Thursday, July 22, 2021

In Celebration Of Being Alive - Book back answers

     Book back answers

     Synonyms & Antonyms 

      Three marks

    c) Frame illustrative sentences to distinguish the meaning of the words in the following clusters: (Text Book Page No. 72)

    1. career — carrier — courier
    2. patients — patience — patents
    3. accident — incident — incidence
    4. scraping — scrapping — scrubbing
    5. accept — except — expect
    6. lesson — lessen — lesion
    7. severe — sever — sewer
    8. raise — rise— rice
    9. quiet — quite — quit
    10. final — finale — feline


    1. career Job, Profession she likes to pursue her career in medicine.
    carrier Transport people or goods I will call a baggage carrier to help me.
    courier a person whose job is to carry letters, important papers urgently A courier has arrived and there is a letter for you.
    2 .patients the person receiving medical treatment There are many patients waiting in the hospital.
    patience remain calm and not angry My grandfather didn’t have the patience to wait in the hospital.
    patents the document shows that this is your right ‘ An invention is not your own until it is patent.
    3. accident an unpleasant event that happens unexpectedly A bus met with an accident yesterday.
    incident something that happens unusually It was an incident that happened yesterday.
    incidence the number of time something happens There is still a high incidence of Malaria in the area.
    4. scraping something you do not want any more I heard the scraping of the spoon in the bowl.
    scrapping to get rid of something that you do not want any more The government is scrapping the idea of collecting road tax.
    scrubbing to clean with soap and water by rubbing it hard She started cleaning the over with the scrub sponge.
    5. accept to agree Please accept my gift.
    except not included All the students submitted their homework except Ram.
    expect think, belief I expect my father to arrive at my home at this time.
    6. Lesson something should be learned The teacher teaches her lesson in English.
    lessen to become less The govt decided it lessen the burden of the students.
    lesion an organ that has suffered damage through injury Her daughter suffered a brain lesion at birth.
    7. severe serious I had severe pain in my leg yesterday.
    sever to cut into two pieces His finger was severed in the accidents.
    sewer an underground pipe that carries human waste The pond stank like a sewer.
    8. raise to lift She raised her both arms above her head.
    rise to move upwards The sun rises in the east.
    rice brown grain I like to eat rice every day.
    9. quiet calm Ramu is a quiet boy in the classroom.
    quite not very It was quite impossible to do this work.
    quitgive upI want to quit my bad habits.

     Fill in the blanks

    d) Fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets: (Text Book Page No. 72)
    [profound, amusement, confidence, agony, solace, intrepid, disfigured, perforated]

    1.Theatrical plays were a main source of ___________ before the advent of television.

     2.The __________ warriors of the Spartan Army marched into battle against a powerful enemy.

    3.The ___________ of parents finally came to an end when their lost child was found with the help of police.

    4.Social media has brought about a ________ impact on the lives of millennials.

    5.The tires of the car got ________ when the vehicle rolled over the rusted nails scattered on the road.

    6.Thomas Alva Edison did not lose his, ________ even after facing a series of experimental failures in his quest to discover tungsten.

    7.Many victims of the pipeline explosion in an oil refinery were left permanently ________.

    8.The old lady found ________ in the company of the children in the neighbourhood.

     Form a phrase

    Form a Phrase  with each one of the following pairs of  nouns given below. (pa.o:72)

    Here is an example from the lesson:

    fibre + tissue — fibrous tissue

    1.muscle + pain- Muscular pain

    2.skeleton + system - skeletal system

    3. nerve + disorder - nervous disorder

    4. digestion + enzymes - digestive enzymes

    5. surgery + instruments - surgical instruments

    6. agony + experience - agonic experience

    7. glory + victory - glorious victory

    8. fancy + idea - fanciful idea

    9.emotion + song - emotional song

    10. sense + issue - sensible issue / sensitive issue.


    f) Fill the empty boxes with suitable words under each word class: (Text Book Page No. 73)

    NounVerb Adjective Adverb
    amusement amuse amused amusingly
    appreciation appreciate appreciative appreciatively
    success succeed successful successfully
    proud pride prideful proudly
    hope hope hopeful hopefully

    Spot the error

     g) Spot the errors in the following sentences and rewrite them correctly: (Text Book Page No. 73) 

    g) Spot the errors in the following sentences and rewrite them correctly.

     1. My grandfather is well-known in the village for his nobel deeds. ans:noble

     2. I had my evening meals in a restaurant near my office. ans:meal

     3. The Boss had full confidence on his Manager for successful completion of the project. ans:in

    4. After the complicated surgery, the patient hoped of complete recovery. ans:for

    5. The new health care scheme announced by the Government will bring relief to the children suffering with acute tuberculosis. ans:from

    6. In spite of his poverty and setbacks, he was able to launch his dream carrier ans:career

    Dialogue Writing

    b) Build a conversation for the following situations with the minimum of five exchanges.
    1) A passenger and railway staff regarding the cancellation of the reserved tickets.
    Passenger : Good evening, Sir.
    Railway staff : Good evening, what can I do for you?
    Passenger : Sir, I want to cancel my reservation. Could you do that Sir?
    Railway Staff : Of course, could you tell me your name, phone number and the date of journey?
    Passenger : I am Adhitya, Mobile No.9852291405 and the trip is on April 18th.
    Railway Staff : One minute please, your ticket has been cancelled.
    Passenger : Thank you, Sir. When will the amount be refunded, Sir?
    Railway Staff : Within 48 hours, the amount will be credited in you account.
    Passenger : Thank you so much.
    Railway Staff : Welcome Sir.

    2) Two friends about the NSS camp which they are going to attend.
    Mithran : Hi! Akash; Why do you look so happy?
    Akash : Oh! Nothing Mithran, Don’t you know, we are going to attend the NSS camp
    Mithran : Yes I forget it, how long will it take Akash?
    Akash : I think it will last for 7 days.
    Mithran : Ok, what are we going to do for the 7 days?
    Akash : There are many things to do in the NSS camp.
    Mithran : May I know them, Akash?
    Akash : Of course First thing.We have to do many programmes like Enrollment , Donor Registration camp, Then Blood Donation camp,etc..
    Mithran : I think all will teach us to be mingled with the society.

    3) A sales man and a customer at an electric shop:
    Customer : Good morning Sir, What are the brands of computers you have?
    Salesman : We have Lenova, Sony etc.
    Customer : Could you tell me the prices?
    Salesman : Lenova costs Rs.15000, Sony and HCL cost Rs. 12,000. which one do you prefer?
    Customer : What is the guarantee period?
    Salesman : Each two years
    Customer : OK, I prefer Sony. Is there any discount?
    Salesman : No, Sir.
    Customer : Here is the money. Please pack it.

    4) A dad and his daughter about the advantage of the habit of news paper reading :
    Father : Hi, Mohanalakshmi. What are you doing?
    Daughter: Dad, I am helping mom.
    Father : Can you spare a few minutes?
    Daughter: Yes Dad.
    Father : Dear, you have successfully completed your +2 exam. You have a duration to join higher education. You should do one thing.;
    Daughter: Tell me, dad what should I do?
    Father : Daily you should read news papers
    Daugher : OK dad, could you tell me the advantage of  the habit of news paper reading “
    Father : Reading news paper is a good habit and it will enrich your knowledge.
    Daughter: Is there anything else?
    Father : Yes, news papers provide news about a country’s economic situations, sports, games entertainment, etc..
    Daughter : OK dad, certainly, I will read news paper from today itself.

    c) Extend the conversation with two more relevant exchanges

     1. Receptionist: Good evening, sir. Welcome to Chennai.
    Traveller: I would like to book a deluxe room in your hotel for 3 days.
    Receptionist: Single room or double room?
    Traveller: Double room, please
    Receptionist: Sir, give me your Aadhar card.
    Traveller: I have my driving license only
    Receptionist: 0k. That will do sir.

    2. Student: Good morning, sir. May I come in?
    Teacher: Good morning, why are you late today?
    Student: My bus broke down on the way. So I had to walk to school.
    Teacher: Go and inform the HM.
    Student: Yes sir, I will inform him.
    Teacher: Get his permission and then enter the classroom

    Active to Passive voice

    Change the following sentences into Passive Voice.

    a.      The Governor inaugurated the exhibition at ten o’ clock.
    ans:       The exhibition was inaugurated by the governor at ten o’ cloc
    b.      The crowd expected their leader to arrive early in the morning.
    ans:         Their leader was expected to arrive early in the morning.
    c.      Who taught her Computer Science?
    ans: By whom was she taught computer science? (or) By whom was computer science taught to her?
    d.      They unanimously named Ravi the captain of team.
    ans: Ravi was unanimously named the captain of team by them.
    e.      The President gave the commander an award.
    ans: The commander was given an award by the president (or) An award was given to the Commander by the President.
    f.       Do not tell a lie.
    ans: Let not a lie be told (or) You are advised not to tell a lie.
    g.      Please open the door.
    ans: Let the door be opened (or) You are requested to open the door.
    h.      It is time to stop the work.
    ans: It is time for the work to be stopped.
    i.        They say he is a spy.
    ans: It is said that he is a spy.
    j.        One should keep one’s promise.
    ans: One’s promises should be kept.
    k.      People burn a great deal of wood in winter.
    ans: A great deal of wood is burnt in winter by people.
    l.        Where had you kept the book?
    ans: Where had the book been kept by you?
    m.    When did you feel the tremors?
    ans: When were the tremors felt by you?
    n.      How did you do the experiment?
    ans: How was the experiment done by you?
    o.       Whose car did someone park in front of your gate?
    ans: Whose car was parked in front of your gate? 

    Passive to Active voice

    Change the following sentences into Active Voice

    A. The smuggler has been nabbed by the police.
    Ans: The police have nabbed the smuggler.
    b. By whom were you interviewed?
    Ans: Who interviewed you?
    c. Why were you scolded by your parents?
    Ans: Why did your parents scold you?
    d. Not a word was spoken by the convict in self¬defence.
    Ans: The convict did not speak a word in self defence.
    e. Good news is expected shortly.
    Ans: They expect Good news shortly.
    f. The mail has just been received.
    Ans: They have just received the mail.
    g. Sundari has been taken to the hospital by her husband.
    Ans: The husband has taken Sundari to the hospital.
    h. Our television is being repaired now.
    Ans: He is repairing our television now.
    i. Sweets have not been distributed to children by the organisers.
    Ans: The organisers have not distributed sweets to children.
    j. Prizes were being given by the chief guest.
    Ans: The chief guest was giving the prizes.
    k. Nobody has been seen in the library this week.
    Ans: I have seen nobody in the library this week.
    l. Nobody would have known the truth if you had not disclosed it.
    Ans: The truth would not have been known if it had not been disclosed by you.
    m. You are advised to help the poor and needy.
    Ans: You have to help the poor and needy.
    n. You are requested to make a cup of tea for the guest.
    Ans: Please make a cup of tea for the guest 

    Question Tag

    Add suitable questions tags to the following  sentences and punctuate properly.

    1) The children are very happy today, aren’t they?

    2) You have not returned my book returned, have you?

    3) We enjoyed the trip very much, didn’t we?

    4) Let’s clean the cells this weekend, shall we?

    5) My mother rarely travels by bus, does she?

    6) Somebody must bell the cat, mustn’t they?

    7) Anitha never comes late to office, does she?

    8) I am always the winner, aren’t I?

    9) Don’t commit this mistake again, will you?

    10) There is a pharmacy near that bus stand, isn’t there?

    11) Bacteria can never survive in extreme weather  conditions, can they?

    12) I am not as smart as you are, am I?

    13) The boys broke the window pane last evening,  didn’t they?

    14) Leaves withher during autumn, don’t they?

    15) You should add a little salt in the butter milk,  shouldn’t you?

    Task 2

    Correct the error found in the question tag in each  of the following

    1) The evil doers cannot cross the path of truth, can  they?

    2) The vegetables in the fridge are still fresh, aren’t  they?

    3) They village, understood the intention of the  politician, didn’t he?

    4) I claim to be a person of faith and prayer, don’t I?

    5) They employees are seldom allowed to meet their  boss, are they?

    6) Let’s organize the trip to Goa, shall we?

    7) The landlady will charge me for the damage, won’t  she?

    8) Both the sisters have left for Canada, haven’t they?

    9) That’s definitely not the right think to do in this  situation, is it?

    10) We need not apply for a bank loan, need we?

    11) The chief guest spoke a few words, didn’t he?

    12) The rhinoceros has a horn made of keratin, hasn’t  it?



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