Monday, April 12, 2021

In Celebration Of Being Alive - Synonyms & Antonyms

 In Celebration Of Being Alive

(a) Go through the lesson and spot the words which mean the same as the following.

  1. profession (para 1)
  2. sorrowful (para 2)
  3. decency (para 5)
  4. destiny (para 6)
  5. hijacked (para 8)
  6. motivation (para 9)
  7. serious (para 10)
  8. significant (para 13)


  1. career
  2. gloomy
  3. nobility
  4. fate
  5. commandeered
  6. encouragement
  7. severe
  8. important

(b) Go through the lesson and spot the words opposite to the meaning of the following.

  1. rare (para 1)
  2. primitive (para 6)
  3. fiction (para 7)
  4. fearful (para 8)
  5. benign (para 11)
  6. diffidence (para 11)
  7. boredom (para 12)
  8. criticize (para 13)


  1. prevalent
  2. sophisticated
  3. fact
  4. intrepid
  5. malignant
  6. confidence
  7. recreation
  8. appreciate

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