Tuesday, July 20, 2021

12th Eng Prose - Slow Learners Para

 Prose Paragraphs
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Two Gentlemen of Verona

 Topic : Two Gentlemen of Verona 
Author : A. J. Cronin 
 Theme : New Hope for Humanity 
➢ Nicola and Jacopo were two brothers. 
➢ Nicolo was13 years old. 
 ➢ Jacopo was 12 years old. 
➢ They wore shabby dress. 
➢ They were hard-working and kind. 
➢ They were helpful to the narrator. 
➢ Before the war, they led a happy life. 
➢ After the war, they led a sad life 
➢ A bomb ruined their happy life. 
➢ Their father was killed and sister was affected by spine TB. She was hospitalized. 
 ➢ They did various jobs to pay their sister’s medical fee. 
➢ They sacrificed their childhood joy. 
➢ Their sacrifice attracted the author. 
➢ Hence, the author called them ‘Gentlemen’
 Topic : In Celebration of Being Alive 
Author : Dr. Christiaan Barnard 
Theme : God tests human beings 
➢ This is an extract from Dr. Barnard’s speech about his experience.
➢ He narrated two events.
➢ One incident was the accident which he and his had met with while crossing a road.
➢ The other incident was the physically challenged boys’ fun at hospital
➢The two children took over an unattended breakfast trolley
➢ They pushed it all over the way. 
➢ One boy was blind and the other one was without arms. 
 ➢ The blind boy was driver and the boy without arms was the mechanic. 
➢ Both the boys enjoyed the game. 
➢  He understood the true meaning of his father’s words.
➢ Hence, we should be happy with what we have.

The Chair

Topic : The Chair 
Author : Ki. Rajanarayanan 
Theme : Sacrifice is a noble virtue 
  • “The Chair” is a short story.
  • It was written by Rajanarayanan in 1969.
  • The narrator’s family had no chair.
  • One day, a sub-judge visited the narrator’s home.
  • There , while sitting, he fell down from a stool .
  • The narrator’s family decided to have a newly made chair after discussion.
  • Everyone was happy to sit on the newly made chair.
  • The villagers were excited to see the chair.
  • They used the chair frequently for placing the corpse.
  • The narrator’s uncle his chair to the villagers for placing the corpse.
  • By this act, the narrator’s uncle helped the narrator.
  • The short story glorified the narrator’s uncle for his timely help

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