Thursday, April 7, 2022

Sindbad – My First Voyage

 Book back answers.


phenomena events (நிகழ்வுகள்)
trembling shaking (நடுக்கம்)
terrified frightened (பயந்துபோனது)
tossed thrown about (தூக்கி எறியப்பட்டது)
quenched satisfied by drinking (தணிந்தது)
poured out expressed freely (சுதந்திரமாக வெளிப்படுத்தப்பட்டது)
hardship severe suffering (கடுமையான துன்பம்)
witnessed observed (அனுசரிக்கப்பட்டது)

A. Match the following.

Column A  Column B
green island in the cave
Mihrjan huge fish
Sindbad the Sailor the king
Sindbad the Porter voyager
slaves poor listener
Ans ; 1 – B, 2 – C, 3 – D, 4 – E, 5 – A

B. Choose the correct options from the ones.

1. Sindbad decided to sail to the ____________ (Persian Gulf /Mexican Gulf) with some goods.

Ans ; Persian Gulf

2. He was being tossed by powerful waves and was thrown on an /a __________. (island/peninsula)

Ans ; island

3. The men in the cave were all_________________ (ministers/slaves) of the king.

Ans ; slaves

4. The king was a ______________ (noble and kind/mean and cruel) person.

Ans ; noble and kind

5. The king gave many valuable______________ (gifts/rewards) to Sindbad.

Ans ; gifts

C. Read the passage and answer the questions given below.

One day, when I was standing on the port, I saw a ship approaching the port. It was the same ship, which had sailed further after leaving me behind, struggling in the sea. When the captain of the ship saw me, he was greatly surprised to find me alive. He and the other crew members hugged me with happiness. The captain handed over my goods to me, which had been left on the ship.


1. Where was he standing?

He was standing on the port.

2. What did he see?

He saw a ship approaching the port.

3. Whom did he meet on the ship and why was the person surprised?

Sindbad met the captain on the ship. The captain was greatly surprised to find Sindbad alive.

4. What did he get back from the captain?

He got back his goods from the captain.

D. Rearrange the following sentences in the correct order.


  1. I longed to go back home.
  2. I narrated my tale of sufferings and hardships to the king.
  3. Our group sailed from one country to another, selling goods.
  4. I saw the same ship approaching the port.
  5. My father was a rich merchant.
  6. I was being tossed by the frequent powerful waves.
  7. Sindbad completed the tale of his voyage.
  8. He presented the purse full of gold coins.


  1. My father was a rich merchant.
  2. Our group sailed from one country to another, selling goods.
  3. I was being tossed by the frequent powerful waves.
  4. I narrated my tale of sufferings and hardships to the king.
  5. I longed to go back home.
  6. I saw the same ship approaching the port.
  7. Sindbad completed the tale of his voyage.
  8. He presented the purse full of gold coins.

E. Work in pairs and write the answers.

1. Describe the island that the ship’s crew found.

The sailor Sindbad sailed for the Persian Gulf with his goods for trade. On his way, their crew saw a small green island. Some of them got down there. They decided to cook. As soon as they lit the fire, the island was trembling. Soon they found it was not an island. It was a huge animal in the sea.

2. Did Sindbad the porter enjoy his meeting with Sindbad the sailor? Why?

Yes, Sindbad the porter enjoyed his meeting with Sindbad the sailor. Because the sailor described his first voyage interestingly. He described his parting from his crew, his asylum in an island and his reunion with his crew. He told that he had earned a lot of money and returned to Baghdad as a rich man. So he presented poor Sindbad the purse full of gold coins. So the poor Sindbad enjoyed his meeting with Sindbad the sailor.


G. Road Safety

Road safety rules make our driving a better experience. As a responsible citizen we ought to obey traffic rules and pay attention to the road signs.


  1.  We should not play near the highways.
  2. We should not cross the road, where there is no zebra crossing.
  3. We should not fly between highways.
  4. we should not y kites near the highways.
  5. We should not walk on left-hand side in the highways.


H. A set of words are given below. Categorize it under the appropriate columns.

crew compartment engine driver helmsman porter
TTE anchor captain platform visa
pilot passport deck air hostess cockpit
Airport Railway station Harbour
pilot compartment captain
passport engine driver porter
hostess platform helmsman
visa TTE deck







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