Tuesday, April 5, 2022

9th stopping by woods Book back answers


B. Read the following lines and answer the following questions.
1. He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

a) Whom does ‘he’ refer to?
 ‘He’ refers to the owner of the woods.

b) Identify the season in these lines.
 It is winter season.

2. My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near

a) Who is the speaker?
The poet Robert Frost is the speaker.
b) Why should the horse think it queer?
There is no farm house near and it is night time, the woods are dark. So the horse might think it strange to stop there.

c) Pick out the rhyming words.
 queer – near

3. He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.

a) Whom does ‘he’ refer to in these lines?
‘He’ refers to the horse.
b) Why does ‘he’ give his harness bells a shake?
He shakes the harness bells as if he is asking the poet whether there was any mistake in stopping at the wrong place.

c) How does the horse communicate with the poet?
 The horse communicates with the poet by shaking his harness bells.

4. The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep

a) How are the woods?
The woods are lovely, dark and dense.

b) Whom does ‘I’ refer to?
I refers to the poet

c) What are the promises the speaker is talking about?
Duties and responsibilities in life are referred to as promises.

5. And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

a) Why the poet has used the same line twice?
In order to emphasize the fact that he has to fulfill his duties and responsibilities before his death, the poet has used the same line twice.
b) Explain: miles to go before I sleep
Miles to go refers to leading the rest of his life until his death.
E. Identify the rhyme scheme used in each stanza. One example has been done for you. 
2. b b c a
3. c c d c
4. d d d d
F. Complete the table b identifying lines, against the poetic deices from the poem. One example is done for you. 
  1. sound’s the sweep;
  2. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near;
  3. And miles to go before I sleep;
  4. dark and beautiful
G. Answer the following questions in a paragraph about 80 -100 words.
1. It is said, “The choices made by one, shapes one’s destiny”. Ponder on the thought and write a paragraph.
The choices made by one, shapes one’s destiny. This is the theme of the poem ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’ by Robert Frost. The biggest choice that he wrestles with is whether to return to the warmth and safety of the village or to stay and watch the woods fill up with snow. The poet finds it hard to decide. He ultimately decides to return home, but it seems to take all of his will power. 

Slow Learners Paragraph
  • This poem is written by Robert Frost
  • The port stops his horse between the wood.
  • His horse shakes his harness.
  • The port attracted by the deep forest.
  • Finally he realized he has many duties before sleeps.  

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