Thursday, April 7, 2022

A Story of Self Sacrifice and Bravery

 Book back answer

Discuss and answer.

1. How did Neerja save the Americans?

The terrorists in the flight wanted to kill the Americans. So, Neerja managed to hide the passports of Americans and saved 39 American Passengers.

2. Why did Neerja alert the pilots?

The hijackers planned to crash the flight. So, Neerja alerted the pilots to escape.

3. What happened when the terrorists lost their patience?

When the terrorists lost their patience, they opened fire on the passengers.


hijacked illegally seized control of an aircraft, ship, etc ஒரு விமானத்தின் கட்டுப்பாட்டை சட்டவிரோதமாக கைப்பற்றுதல்
calamity a sudden event causing great damage or distress திடீர் பேராபதத்து (அ) பேரழிவு
assaulted attacked violently திடீர் தாக்குதல்
frustration the feeling of annoyance when one’s actions are prevented from progressing or succeeding விரக்தி உணர்வு
inflicted caused something unpleasant to be suffered by விரும்பத்தகாத, திணிக்கப்பட்ட

Section II

1. Name the schools and colleges Neerja studied in.

Nee a studied in Chandigarh’s Sacred Heart School & Bombay Scottish School and went to St.Xavier’s College.

2. Why was Neerja sent to London?

Neerja was sent to London to train to be a Purser (The senior most Cabin Manager).

3. What is the duty of a purser?

A purser worked as a manager on flights, handling the passengers’ complaints, making announcements and handling security.


disaster a sudden misfortune, catastrophe திடீர் பேரிடர்
pressurizing persuading or forcing someone into doing something வலியுறுத்துதல் (அ) கட்டாயப்படுத்துதல்
performance doing something to a specified standard செயல்திறன்
achievement attainment, success சாதனை, வெற்றி

Section III

1. Why was Neerja awarded the Ashok Chakra?

Neerja saved the life of 39 passengers in the Pan-Am flight. Her act of bravery was acknowledged. So she was awarded the ‘Ashok Chakra’.

2. How was Neerja honoured by various governments?

Washington DC posthumously awarded Neerja the ‘Justice for Crimes Award’. In addition, she received the Tamgha-e-Insaniyat award from Pakistan for her act of bravery.

3. What are the selection criteria for the Neerja Bhanot Pan Am Award?

The trust presents two awards every year.

  • One to honour a flight crew member, who acts beyond the call of duty
  • Another to an Indian woman who overcomes social injustice and helps other women


civilian a person not in the armed services or police force பொது நபர்
posthumously after the death of the person மரணத்திற்கு பின்
crew a group of people who work on a ship, aircraft or train விமானம், கப்பல், தொடர் வண்டியில் பணி புரியும் குழுவினர்
injustice lack of justice, unfairness அநீதி, அநியாயம்

Think and Answer

1. According to Neerja’s father, Neerja had well defined principles and there was little room for compromise in that area. Do you have any principles where you don’t want to compromise?

Yes, I love respecting parents & teachers. If anyone insults them or misbehave them, I never forgive that person. I avoid those persons. There was little room for compromise in that area.

2. Virinda told the Indian Express that Neerja was a loyal friend. Are you always loyal to your friend?

Yes, I am very loyal to my friend. I support her in all good deeds. If he/she is wrong, I will guide him/her to the right path. I never give up him/her.

3. Neerja would speak her mind, tell them the truth, according to one of her classmates Eliza. Do you always have the courage to stand for truth?

Yes, I have the courage to stand for the truth. Truth alone triumphs, though it delays.


A. Fill in the blanks.

1. The terrorists asked Neerja to collect the passports of the passengers because ______________

Ans ; they wanted to kill the Americans.

2. Neerja passed on the warning in a code to the pilots because she _________

Ans ; wanted to alert the pilots.

3. Neerja leapt into action when she ____________________

Ans ; noticed the chaos on-board.

4. Neerja had a sour marriage due to ____________________________

Ans ;  the pressurising dowry demands.

5. Neerja was sent to London based on _______________________

Ans ; her performance and peer review.

B. Think and Write

1. “I will die; but not run away.” — Justify the saying of Neerja.

When her flight Pan Am was hijacked, she never lost her determination, and saved 39 Americans. Thus, she lived upto her word.

2. Why did the three governments of — India, America and Pakistan — honour Neerja?

Neerja saved the passengers of India, America and Pakistan in her flight on-board. So the three governments honoured her.

3. How can we abolish terrorism?

Terrorism can be abolished by several ways. Some of the ways are

  1. Educating the young minds and guiding them into right ways of life.
  2. Implementing and amending strict laws and punishments for such acts of terrorism.
  3. Increasing National Security and scrutinizations with security check points in a public place like a flight, airport, railway stations and other public gathering spots.

C. Read the “Story of Self Sacrifice and Bravery” once again and complete the flow chart.

Neeraj – The Hijack Hero


  1. Born : 7th September 1936
  2. Place : Chandigarh, Punjab
  3. Parents : Harish Bhanot and Rama Bhanot
  4. Sibiling : Aneesh and Akhil (two)
  5. School : Sacred Heart & Bombay Scottish
  6. Married Life : Disaster for dwory demand
  7. Face d armed hijacers at Karachi. 8. Hit by bullets when saving 3 children


  1. Special training : Maami and London
  2. Received award : Ashok Chara & Justice for crimes “award in Wahington
  3. Youngest civillian at the age of 22
  4. Postage stamps : issued in 2004
  5. Received : “Justice for crimes” award in Wahington DC in 2005.


D. Fill in the blanks with appropriate airline vocabulary given in the box.

cockpit touch down call light gate turbulence
bumpy take off landing boarding pass  run way
  1. You must present the boarding pass at the gate.
  2. It might be a bumpy ride because we are flying through a storm.
  3. If you need anything just press the call light.
  4. The captain and the co-pilot sit in the cockpit
  5. Gate 3B is down this hall and to your right.
  6. We will be landing in Chennai in approximately ten minutes.
  7. The plane almost missed the runway because it was such a bad storm.
  8. We are next in line to take off on this run way.
  9. That was a very smooth touch down.
  10. This turbulence should only last a few minutes.

E. Match the phrasal verbs in column A with their meaning in Column B.

1. fight or flight A. escaping as rapidly as possible
2. put to flight B. among the best of a particular group
3. take flight C. to defend oneself or to run away
4. flight of fancy D. to cause someone to flee
5. have a nice flight E. to flee or run away
6. in full flight F. an imaginative but unrealistic idea
7. top-flight G. enjoy your flight
Ans ; 1 – C, 2 – D, 3 – E, 4 – F, 5 – G, 6 – A, 7 – B 

F. Find out the anagrams. Use each pair of phrases as clues.

1. The past tense of leap – leapt
Something to serve food on – plate
2. A place to grow flowers – garden
Something to be careful of – danger
3. Another word for under – below
A part of your arm – elbow
4. Try to hear – listen
Another word for quiet – silent
5. Another word for gift – present
A large snake or a dragon – serpent
6. Minutes and hours – time
A thing on a list – item
7. An organ that pumps blood – heart
The planet we live on – earth
8. Something used to water plants – hose
A thing you put on your foot – shoe


G. Listen to the announcements and answer the questions.

Announcement 1:-

1. What is the number of the flight?

89 B

2 What are the things to be kept ready?

Boarding pass and identification

3. When will the regular boarding begin?

Regular boarding will begin in ten minutes.

Announcement 2:-

1. For whom is the final boarding call?

Final boarding call is for the passengers Alex and Ruskin Collins.

2‘ Where should the passengers proceed?

Passengers should proceed to gate.

3. Where is the flight to?

The flight is to New Delhi.

Announcement 3:-

1. When will the flight be in the air?

The flight will be in the air in seven minutes.

2. What are things that should be turned off?

Personal electronic devices including laptops and cell phones should be turned off.

3. What is prohibited during the flight?

Smoking is prohibited.


H. Discuss with your partner and punctuate the following.

1. the woman said to the student please help me cross the street

Ans ; The woman said to the student, “Please help me cross the streets

2. sarathy said oh how thrilling it was

Ans ; Sarathy said , “Oh, How thrilling it wash

3. the teacher said to the students where do you want to go

Ans ; The teacher said to the students,”Where do you want to go?”

4. i am tired mohana said to her aunt

Ans ;“I am tired,” Mohana said to her aunt.

5. shankar said to his teacher madam i had prepared my project assignment but i forgot to bring it

Ans ; Shankar said to his teacher, “Madam, I had prepared my project assignment, but I forgot to bring it.”

I. Complete the sentences in reported speech.

  1. “It is too late.” I said that it was too late.
  2. “I met you yesterday.” Sam told me that he had met me the previous day.
  3. “I cannot come.” Mala said that she could not come.
  4. “I will pay tomorrow.” He said that he would pay the next day
  5. “The Himalayas are the highest mountain ranges.” He knew that the Himalayas are the highest mountain ranges.
  6. “I may lend you some money.” Balu promised to lend me some money.
  7. “I have been watching a film.” He said that he had been watching a film.
  8. “I have not done it today.” I explained that I had not done it that day.
  9. “I was with him last week.” Jimmy told that he was with him the previous week.
  10. “I will finish this picture tomorrow.” Jothi said that she would finish that picture the next day.

J. Read the following dialogue and report it.

Betty What are you doing here, Kitty? I haven’t seen you since June.

Kitty I’ve just come back from my holiday in Darjeeling.

Betty : Did you enjoy it?

Kitty : I love Darjeeling. The landscape is amazing. Betty : Did you go to the

Lloyd’s Botanical Garden?

Kitty : Yes. It was my first trip. I can show you some pictures. Are you doing any

thing tomorrow?

Betty : I must arrange a couple of things. But I am free tonight.

Kitty : You might come to my place. What time shall we meet?

Betty : I’ll be there at eight. Is it all right?

Betty asked Kitty what was she doing there. And she added that she hadn’t seen her since June. Kitty explained that she had just come back from her holiday in Da eeling. Betty asked if she had enjoyed it. Kitty told her that she loved Darjeeling and that the landscape was amazing. Betty wanted to know whether she had gone to the Lloyd’s Botanical Garden. Kitty said that it was her first trip and that she could show her some pictures. And then she asked her if she was doing anything the next day. Betty explained that she had to arrange a couple of things. But she added that she was free that night. Kitty suggested that she might come to her place and asked her at what time they should meet. Betty said she would be there at eight. And finally, she asked whether it was all right.






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