Sunday, August 8, 2021

10 th Unit 1 - Test 2021

 Unit 1 Question Paper

                                    Part - A

I.Answer the following           5x1=5

Choose the meanings of the underlined word

I) He was soaring gradually

a) rising    b ) ground     c) decrease    d) fall

2) They were beckoning to him

a) repel    b) hate    c) push    d) calling

Choose the antonyms of the underlined word

3) He fell outward

a) below    b) outside    c) inward    d) climb

4) They laughed at his cowardice

a) bravery     b) timid      c) afraid     d) runback

5)He stepped slowly out to the brink of the edge.

a) hurriedly b) fairly    c) pretty    d) tolerably

                                    Part – B

II. Answer the following:         3x2=6

6) Why did the seagull fail to fly?

7) What was the first catch of the young seagull‟s older brother?

8) Why did the young bird utter a joyful scream?

Part – C

III. Write In Detail.    1x5=5

9) Describe the struggles underwent by the young seagull to overcome its fear of flying?

       POEM – LIFE

Part - A                 5x1=5 

 Read the following lines from the poem and answer the questions given below

10) Let me but live my life from year to year, 

with forward face and unreluctant soul.

i) Whom does the word "me"  refer to?

ii)  What kind of life does the poet wants to lead?

11) In the dim past, nor holding back in fear

From what the future veils; but with a whole

 And happy heart, that pays its toll

To Youth and Age, and travels on with cheer.

a.       What does the poet mean by the phrase ‘in the dim past’? 
b.       Is the poet afraid of future?  
c.        How can one travel on with cheer?

               Part – B

Part – C

III. Write in Detail     2x5=10

12) Quote from memory

Let me ------------

----------- back in fear

13) Describe the journey of life as depicted in the poem by Henry Van Dyke


Part –B

II.Change the following into other voice.   2x2=4

14. Ravi plays football.

15. You are making a cake now.

        Part –C

III. Write In detail   1x5=5

Answer the following

16. Prepare an attractive advertisement using the hints below.

Mobile galaxy – smartphones – accessories – sim cards – recharge – free powerbank on mobile purchase – No.1 , Tollgate, Trichy

    Part - C

IV.Answer the following         1x5=5

17. Read the given passage from the lesson and answer the questions given below.

Ariel then went to fetch Ferdinand |” O my young gentleman,” said Ariel, when he

saw him, “I will soon move you. You must be brought, I find, for the Lady

Miranda to have a sight of your pretty person. Come, sir, follow me “He followed

in amazement the sound of Aries‟s voice, till it led him to prospero and Miranda,

who were sitting under the shade of a large tree. Now Miranda had never seen a

mon before, except her own father. “Miranda”, said prospero, “tell me. What you

are looking at yonder.”. “O father”, said Miranda, in a strange surprise, “Surely

that is a spirit, Lord! How ist looks about! Believe me, it is a beautiful creature. Is

it not a spirit?”.


1. Who went to fetch Ferdinand?

2. What did Ariel tell Ferdinand ?

3. Whose voice did Ferdinand follow?

4. Where were Prospero and Miranda sitting?

5. Had Miranda seen a man before in the island?

 V. Write  a  paragraph

18. Character Sketch of Prospero.   1x5=5

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