Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Our Casuarina Tree ERC

 4. Explain the following lines with reference to the context:(Text Book Page No. 56)

a) “Dear is the Casuarina to my soul”

Reference :
This line is taken from Poem – “Our Casuarina tree” Poet – “Torn Dutt”
The poet expresses her great love for the tree.
The poet feels that the tree is dear to her not for its impressive appearance but for the nostalgic memories of her happy childhood that it brings to her

b) It is the tree’s lament, an eerie speech.

This line is taken from the Poem – “Our Casuarina Tree”, Poet – “Toru Dutt”
The poet brings out the great love of trees towards the poet.
The poet could communicate with the tree even when she was in a far off land. She could hear the tree lamenting her absence as there was a strong bond between her and the tree.

c) “Unto thy honor, Tree, beloved of those
who now in blessed sleep for eye repose,”

This line is taken from the Poem – “Our Casuarina Tree”, Poet – “Toru Dutt”.
The poet brings out her honour and respect towards the tree
The poet consecrates the tree’s memory to her loved ones, who are not alive. She honors it with full of love and affection that shows how much the tree is beloved to her.

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