Sunday, December 1, 2024

Empowered Women Navigating The World- Book back answers

 Empowered Women Navigating The World


anticipate (v) – to foresee; to realize beforehand; to expect; be sure of
apprehensive (adj.) – anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen
auxiliary (adj.) – additional; used as a reserve or substitute in case of need
bio-luminescence (n) – the production of light by living organisms
circumnavigate (v) – to travel all the way around something, especially the earth
consonance (n) – agreement or compatibility between opinions or actions
contention (n) – strenuous effort; struggling together in opposition
expedition (n) – a journey or voyage made for some specific purpose, such as of war or exploration
golgappas (n) – the other term for pani puri
indigenously (adv.) – naturally; innately; inherently
morale (n) – emotional or mental condition with respect to confidence especially in the face of hardships
nautical – associated with seaman or ships
replenishment (n) – restoration of a stock or supply to a former level or condition
skippered (v) – to act as a master or captain of a vessel especially a small boat

Words Synonyms Antonyms
absolutely totally partially
accomplishments achievements failures
accurate exact inaccurate
acquainted aware unaware
anticipate foresee, expect, realize beforehand doubt
appreciate admire depreciate
apprehensive anxious, fearful calm, confident
array range disarray
aspects features
attain gain, achieve lose
auxiliary additional, extra main, essential
awestruck amazed bored
blissful joyful miserable
brilliant bright dull
challenges problems pleasures
circumnavigate travel around
collaborate cooperate disagree
combat battle peace
commissioned assigned, engaged rejected, neglected
consonance agreement, accord, compatibility discord
contention strenuous effort, submission resistance, defiance
deity God demon
delicacies beauties eyesore
depicting portraying distorting
discriminate differentiate mix up
dropped become less, decreased increased
empower allow, entitle deny
encountered confronted avoided
encouraged supported discouraged
escort guard, attendant enemy
expedition journey, voyage blockage, stoppage, halt
extensive vast, major limited
feature aspect disregard
frighten       . terrify comfort
globally world-wide locally
grasped understood overlooked
Words Synonyms Antonyms
hardly scarcely abundantly
hardships danger comfort
honesty morality dishonesty
hurricane storm, typhoon
indigenously domestically, natively, naturally, innately, inherently foreignly, globally
indulged took care of abstained, avoided .
initiative plan, scheme inactivity
limited little unlimited
mattered concerned unconcerned
mentored monitored hindered
monitoring controlling neglecting
morale confidence fear
motives intentions
nightmare horror pleasure
‘.occupy hold, take over abandon, give up
overcome conquer, defeat fail
pantry store-room
patron protector antagonist
picked chose ignored
poked nudged
potential capacity inability
replenishment restoration, resupply removal
repulsion hatred, aversion attraction
rustled stole
safety protection danger
spotted saw, noticed unnoticed
supportive helpful unhelpful
tactical planned, prudent foolish
thrust boost apathy
tiny very small big
tremendous enormous inferior
ultimate best, greatest least
unpredictable uncertain predictable
witnessed watched unobserved
worshipped adored dishonoured

Two mark questions

a.       What does INSV stand for?

INSV stands for Indian Naval Ship Vessel.

b.      When was INSV Tarini commissioned to Indian Navy service?

INSV Tarini was commissioned to the Indian Navy Service on 18th February 2017.

c.       Who is Tara-Tarini? After whom was the sailboat named?

Tara-Tarini is the patron deity for sailors and is worshipped for safety and success at sea. The boat was named after the famous Tara-Tarini temple in Ganjam district of Odisha.

d.      Where did the crew undergo their basic training?

The crew underwent their basic training at the Indian Naval Waterman ship Training Centre (INWTC) in Mumbai.

e.       How long were they trained to undertake this voyage?

They were trained for almost three years to undertake this voyage.

f.       Which skill was considered important in the selection process?

The little survival skills they showcased was considered important in the selection process.

g.      Who mentored the crew?

The crew was mentored by Commander Dilip Donde.

h.      Which quality of the skipper helped to bring out a successful expedition?

Honesty of the skipper helped to bring out a successful expedition.

i.        Who among the crew mentioned about teamwork?

Payal Gupta mentioned about teamwork.

j.        When did they witness the brilliant Southern lights from the sea? How did the sky appear there?

When they were crossing the Tasman sea, they witnessed the brilliant Southern Lights from the sea. The entire sky lit up in green light.

k.      What festival did they celebrate during their expedition?

They celebrated Diwali during their expedition.

B. Answer the following questions briefly.

1.           Mention the special features of INSV Tarini.

  1.  environment friendly 
  2.  renewable energy
  3.  It collected and updated meteorological data

2.           What does the term circumnavigation mean?

Circumnavigation means to travel around the world in a ship.

3.           How did the all-women Indian Navy crew go about their voyage?

The all-women Indian Navy crew started from Goa. It covered the expedition in five legs with stop-overs at four ports. They went around the globe and reached Goa.

4.           When did the crew start their voyage? When did they return back to India? How many days did it take to complete the expedition?

The crew started their voyage on 10 September 2017 from Goa. They went around the globe within 254 days and reached Goa port on 21 May 2018.

5.           What sort of training did the crew undergo before their expedition?

The all-women Indian Navy crew underwent some theoretical courses on navigation communication and weather prediction. They are trained to repair things, to deal with emergencies in tactical aspects.

6.           How did the crew members work as a team to make their expedition successful?

Even during the storm when three people would be out on watch, the other three would indulge in some sort of works like heat the water or the gloves etc.

7.           What challenging tasks did the team face during their voyage?

In the South Pacific, they encountered a storm where the seas were almost nine to ten meters high and the winds were picking up to 60-70 knots/which is about a hurricane force of wind on land.

8.           What sort of activities did the crew engage in during their long voyage?

They picked up some hobbies and kept posting pictures of delicacies like golgappas and cakes. 

9.           Mention the celebrations which the crew enjoyed during their expeditions.

Diwali and three birthdays including the 1st birthday of the boat were the celebrations the crew enjoyed during their expeditions.

10.      Which factor motivated the crew to undertake this expedition?

The entire country was watching and praying for them and motivated them to undertake the expedition.


(1) Competent – on the ball
(1) to meet or find by chance – come across


(2) Become more confident in expressing oneself – find one’s voice
(2) to exercise – work out


(3) Extremely happy – over the moon


(3) To accept a challenge with confidence – bring it on
(4) Mentally agile – sharp as a tack


(4) To have a friendly relationship – get along
(5) Listen – lend an ear


(5) To keep something – hang on



(E) Read the given sentences carefully and fill in with appropriate phrasal verbs. Choose them from the help box.

(1) The airhostess instructed the passengers to wear the seat belts during the take off .

(2) Venkat felt happy get along with to the neighbours in the new locality.

(3) There will be a shut down next week in the office.

(4) Doing warm up every day in the morning keeps one healthy.

(5) The mother instructed the maid to look after the child carefully.

(F) Read the given passage carefully and fill in the blanks with suitable phrasal verbs from the help box.

Riya is a young dancer who feels contented and satisfied with herself. Let’s hear from her. Hi, everyone!

I am Riya. I suppose I’m really lucky because I don’t put on weight easily. I never work out in the gym and the only time I stretch out is when I need something from the top shelf. I tried aerobics several times but I couldn’t keep up with the others. I take my pet for a walk thrice a day though, and that helps to burn off the calories. I usually watch what I eat but I sometimes binge on icecream.

My sister Diya, is a real fitness fanatic. Before she works out she warms up every day with push ups, sit ups, stretches and a jog around the park. She says it’s important to build up good levels of strength and stamina. I don’t want to overdo it though. A fitness regime like hers would tire me out !

Grammar –

(A) Complete the sentences in present tense forms.


(1) Saravanan always goes (go) for a walk in the morning.

(2) We are gathered (gather) here for a meeting and the chair person is yet to arrive.

(3) Arun is eagerly waiting (wait) to meet her friend since morning.

(4) Sheeba is moving (move) to a new house next week.

(5) Naseera attends (attend) music classes regularly.

(6) Ilakiya and Adhira enjoy(enjoy) each other’s company very much.

(7) Mani has been working (work) in this school for five years.

(8) It is pouring (pour) outside now.

(B) Complete the sentences in past tense forms.

(1) I went (go) to her place on foot.

(2) The children played (play) in the ground when the teacher arrived.

(3) They requested (request) him when the manager arrived.

(4) If you had worked (work) hard, you would have won the relay match

(5) Joanna and Joy had already left (leave) for Ooty, when the others reached the station.

(6) We all sang (sing) in the choir last week.

(7) Nancy would always ask (ask) for help.

(8) The office goers waited wait) for the train.


(C) Fill in the blanks using the verbs in the brackets in the future form.


(1) We shall not go to the market, in case it rains. (go)


(2) Keerthi will have done his work by next week.(do)


(3) The peon will have rung the bell by the time I reach the school.(ring)


(4) I will be visiting my sister’s house next April if I go to Uttarkhand. (visit)


(5) If you listen carefully, you will understand my point. (understand)


(6) By next year, I will be living in Chennai for fifteen years. (live)


(7) The new edition of this book will be coming out shortly. (come)


(8) She hopes you will help her. (help)


(D) Underline the verbs and identify the tense forms.


(1) I am working hard day and night. Present continuous tense


(2) The Moon revolves around the Earth. Simple present tense


(3) Were the milk men milking the cow? Past continuous tense


(4) He received your messages last night.Simple past tense


(5) I have been ill for a couple of days. Present perfect tense


(F) The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in the tense of the verb in each line. Write the wrong word as well as the correct word in the given place. One is done for you.


  Wrong words Correct words


When Anand reach Arun’s place, his

Reach reached
friends have arrived already. Arun Have had
introduces Anand to them. Arun’s brother introduces introduced
buy some snacks from the market. Buy Bought
Arun serving it to all his friends. Then serving Served
they all sat together to planning their holidays. planning Plan
Arun have a cottage in Ooty, so have had
they all plan to go to Ooty during the holidays. Plan planned
“Would we have a good time?, asked Arun. Would Will
They all cheerfully say, “Yes!” Say said


(G) Read the story and rewrite it using the simple past tense.     

Juno the elephant was lonely and tried to make friends with the other animals in the forest. But, the other animals refused to play with Juno because of his size. One day, all the animals were running away from Dera the tiger who was eating everyone he found. Juno went and gave Dera a swift kick. Dera immediately ran away. Juno was then everyone’s friend.

 Gifted Student's Paragraph

Prose :Empowered Women Navigating the World

Theme : Women mean power

INSV stands for Indian Naval Ship Vessel.INSV Tarini was commissioned to the Indian Navy Service on 18th February 2017. Tara-Tarini is the patron deity for sailors and is worshipped for safety and success at sea. The boat was named after the famous Tara-Tarini temple in Ganjam district of Odisha.
The crew underwent their basic training at the Indian Naval Waterman ship Training Centre (INWTC) in Mumbai. They were trained for almost three years to undertake this voyage.The little survival skills they showcased was considered important in the selection process. The crew was mentored by Commander Dilip Donde.Honesty of the skipper helped to bring out a successful expedition.
When they were crossing the Tasman sea, they witnessed the brilliant Southern Lights from the sea. The entire sky lit up in green light.They celebrated Diwali during their expedition. The crew started their voyage on 10 September 2017 from Goa. They went around the globe within 254 days and reached Goa port on 21 May 2018.


Slow learner's Paragraph

Prose :Empowered Women Navigating the World

Theme : Women mean power

  • INSV is a sail boat.

  • It stands for Indian Naval Ship Vessel.

  • It was commissioned to Indian Navy on 18-02-2017

  • six member crew underwent the sail training.

  • They were trained almost three years.

  • Commander Dilip Donde mentored the voyage.

  • The group celebrated three birthdays and Diwali.

  • The crew completed the voyage with ultimate honesty.


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