Saturday, November 30, 2024

10th The Night The Ghost Got In- Answers

 The Night the Ghost Got in In - Text Questions

The Night the Ghost Got in - Synonyms 

The Night the Ghost Got In- Antonyms


a. Where was the author when he heard the noise?
Answer:The author was in the bath-tub when he heard the noise

b. What did the narrator think the unusual sound was?
At first, he suspected that it was a burglar. Later on, he thought that it was a ghost.

c. What were the various sounds the brothers heard when they went downstairs?
The brothers heard like a man running and started up the stairs towards them.

d. Who were the narrator neighbors?

Mr. Bodwell and his wife were the narrator’s neighbours.

e. How did the Bodwells react, when a shoe was thrown into their house?

 Mr. Bodwell was shouting angrily. He wants to sell the house.

f. What did the Bodwells think when they heard the mother shout?
Bodwell thought that there were burglars in his house.

g. What was the grandfather wearing?
Long flannel nightgown over long woollen pants, a nightcap and a leather jacket around his chest.

h. What conclusions did grandfather jump to when he saw the cops?
Grandfather thought that the cops were the deserters from General Meade’s army.

i. Were the policemen willing to leave the house?
No, the policemen were not willing to leave the house.

j. What made the reporter gaze at the author?

The author’s reply ‘We had ghosts’ made the reporter to gaze at him.

The Night the Ghost Got in Textual Questions

A. Answer the following questions in a sentence or two.

1.           Why was the narrator sorry to have paid attention to the footsteps?

The narrator was sorry because his imagination of considering his Grandfather as a ghost

2.           Why did Herman and the author slam the doors?

Herman and the author slammed the door because of their fear of the ghost.

3.           What woke up the mother?

Slamming of the doors woke up their mother.

4.           What do you understand by the mother’s act of throwing the shoe?

Author’s mother did not want to take risk by getting down. At the same time, she wanted the police to come there. So, she threw the shoe at neighbour’s home to seek help.

5.           Why do you think Mrs. Bodwell wanted to sell the house?

Mrs. Bodell wanted to sell the house because she was disturbed often.

6.           How did the cops manage to enter the locked house?

The cops broke the front door to enter.

7.           Why were the policeman prevented from entering grandfather's room?

Grandfather mistook the police as General Meade’s men who were retreating.

8.           Who used the zither and how?

The narrator’s pet Guinea pig used the zither. It used to sleep on it.

9.           Mention the things that the grandfather imagined.

Grandfather imagined that the cops were General Meade’s men. He thought that they were beginning to retreat and even desert

Gifted Student's Paragraph

Author : James Grover Thurber

Theme : Chaos in the house

Characters : The narrator’s family, Mrs. Bodwell, Joe, Reporter, Herman

It was about a quarter past one o’ clock in the morning. The narrator was in the bathroom. He heard a strange sound. He was scared. He thought it was a burglar or a ghost. So, he went to his brother, Herman’s room. They came out and looked downstairs. Nothing was there. They heard the footsteps circling the dining-room table like a man running and it started up the stairs towards them. So they rushed to their rooms and slammed the doors. The narrator’s mother was aroused by the sound. They thought that there was a burglar in the house. So she threw her shoe at their neighbour, Mr.Bodwell’s window to seek help. Mr. Bodwell called the police. When the police broke into the door, the narrator’s grandfather mistook them as General Meade’s men who were retreating. So he grabbed the gun from them and shot at the police. The police left the house empty handed finally. Next morning, grandfather told that he came to the dining room for water, the previous night. These are the incidents that caused the confusion in the house.

Average Student's paragraph 


Author : James Grover Thurber

Theme : Chaos in the house

                    The author was in the bathroom when he heard the noise.. At first, the narrator thought the unusual sound was a burglar.Later he felt it was a ghost.When they went downstairs the brothers heard the footsteps circling the dining-room table like a man running and it started up the stairs towards them. Mr. Bodwell and his wife were the narrator’s neighbours.When a shoe was thrown into their house,Mr. Bodwell was shouting angrily. Mrs. Bodwell said that they would sell the house and move to Peoria.Grandfather thought that the cops were the deserters from General Meade’s army.

Slow Learner's Paragraph

Prose    :    The Night the Ghost Got In

Author    :    James Grover Thurber

Theme    :    Fear leads to mess


  • The narrator heard the strange sound at dining room.
  • while he was at bathdub.
  • He thought it was burglar or ghost.
  • she threw her shoe to Bodwell's house for help.
  • Police came and ransacked the home.
  • Grandfather mistook them for deserters  and shot them.
  • Finally he told that, he came to the dining room for water.


D. Complete the given tabular column with the suitable plural forms.

  1. chair – chairs
  2. box – boxes
  3. eskimo – eskimos
  4. lady – ladies
  5. radius – radii
  6. formula – formulae
  7. child – children
  8. deer – deer
  9. loaf – loaves
  10. hero – heroes
  11. Singular Plural Key words



A. Nagarajan and Dhanalakshmi want to buy a new house. They have come to see a house for sale. Complete the conversation below by adding a, an or the.

Nagarajan : Well, here we are, No.8, Kaveri Street. I think this is the house we saw online. What do you think of the location?

Dhanalakshmi : It is in a nice neighbourhood. And it’s close to the railway station.

Nagarajan : And the bus stop is not too far away.

Dhanalakshmi : How many rooms are there?

Nagarajan : There are three rooms, a kitchen, and a balcony.

Dhanalakshmi : There is a lawn behind the house, right?

Nagarajan : That’s right the lawn is actually quite large. Did you see any photos of the living room, online? What does it look like?

Dhanalakshmi : The living room looks great. It looks bright and airy. It
has a nice view of the hills. But the kitchen looks a little small.

Nagarajan : And, I remember you said there isn’t a storeroom, right?

Dhanalakshmi : No, but there is an attic, where we can a store things.

Nagarajan : I hope this house is a better option.

Dhanalakshmi : Lets wait for the real estate agent. She said, she would be here at three o’clock.

Nagarajan : Look there she is!

B. Few articles are missing in the given passage. Edit the passage given below by adding suitable articles where ever necessary.

My neighbourhood is a very interesting place. My house is located in an apartment building downtown near many stores and offices. There is a small supermarket across the street, where my family likes to go shopping. There is also a post office and a bank near our home. In our neighbourhood there is a small, Green Park where my friends and I like to play on weekends and holidays. There is a small pond near the park and there are many ducks in the park. We always have a great time. In addition, there is an elementary school close to our
home where my little brother studies in third grade. There are so many things to see and do in my neighbourhood. That’s why I like it. It’s really a great place.

C. Fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate prepositional phrase from the given options.

1. Everything falls to the ground _______ earth’s gravitational pull.

  1. in addition to
  2. because of
  3. cause of

Ans : because of

2. The trial was conducted ___________ the procedure of law.

  1. in accordance with
  2. due to
  3. despite of

Ans : in accordance with

3. There is a temple right ________ my house.

  1. in back of
  2. apart from
  3. in front of

Ans : in front of

4. As a ________ of his hard work, he achieved the target.

  1. instead of
  2. result of
  3. apart from

Ans : result of

5. Failure is often the __________ negligence.

  1. effect of
  2. consequence of
  3. reason of

Ans : reason of

6. Children are given toys ____________ sweets on Children’s day.

  1. on top of
  2. in addition to
  3. due to

Ans : in addition to

7. The parents must be informed ___________ any indiscipline conduct of their wards.

  1. because of
  2. in case of
  3. in spite of

Ans : in case of

8. He didn’t turn up ____________ his busy schedule.

  1. consequence of
  2. due to
  3. except for

Ans : due to

9. Global warming is ______________ the green house emission.

  1. an effect of
  2. in spite of
  3. in addition to

Ans : an effect of

10. ______________ several warnings, he continued to swim.

  1. due to
  2. in spite of
  3. because of

Ans : in spite of

D. Edit the following passage by replacing the underlined incorrect words with correct prepositional phrases.

1. Janu is studying in class X. In the event of the teachers

  • According to the teacher’s report, Janu is studying in class X.

2. she is a disciplined student. In addition to her poverty, she

  • Inspite fo her proverty, she is a disciplined student.

3. is always neat. Many students like her in case of

  • Many students like her because of her neatness

4. her simplicity. According to her studies, she also

  • A part from her studies, she also looks simple

5. participates in sports. She gets on with everyone in case of

  • For the sake of participating in sports, she gets on with everyone.

6.age and gender in the school. In opposition to taking leave, she ensures

  • In order to take leave, she ensures with age and gender in the school.

7. that she completes the work given before she goes to school next day.

  • In the event of completing the work given before, she goes to school next day

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