Wednesday, June 15, 2022

8th Term 1 When Instinct Works Solution

 Term 1 When Instinct Works Solution


  • harnessed – tied the horse to a cart using strips of leather and metal fittings.
  • tollgate – a gate across a road or bridge at which travellers must stop and pay
  • sturdy – strong
  • groan – deep sound
  • bridle – a set of leather straps tied around the neck of a horse to control it
  • instinct – an innate typically fi xed pattern of behavior in animals
    In response to certain stimuli
  • a dead stop – complete and sudden stop

A. Comprehension

1. Choose the best option

1. The season mentioned in the lesson is ——–.

  1. spring
  2. autumn
  3. summer
  4. winter

Ans ; autumn

2. In one low part of the road the ——— was halfway up to black beauty’s knees.

  1. the river
  2. dust
  3. water
  4. leaves

Ans ; water

3. The bridge was broken in the ———.

  1. front
  2. rear
  3. middle
  4. up

Ans ; middle

4. The instinct in ——— had often saved the lives of men.

  1. girls
  2. animals
  3. birds
  4. boys

Ans ; animals

5. Black beauty dared not move even to the sharp snap of the ———–.

  1. stick
  2. thread
  3. whip
  4. kick

Ans ; whip

2. Match the following

1. Man at the toll gate had many stories to tell.
2. Bridge wise
3. John have special knowledge
4. Black beauty flashing a torch.
5. Animals sturdy rail
Ans ; 1 – D, 2 – E, 3 – A, 4 – B, 5 – C

3. Fill in the blanks.

bed of straw bridge crossways supper toll gate
oak flood lean flashing wrong
the branches stronger afternoon sudden stop terrible

1. Just then, the man at the ____________ on the other side ran out, _______________ a torch.

Ans ; toll gate, flashing

2. Even when John tried to __________ him forward, Beauty did not move.

Ans ; lean

3. We were saved because Beauty had known that something was _______________ with the bridge.

Ans ; wrong

4. Suddenly an ____________ tree came crashing down and fell right in front of us.

Ans ; oak

5. He told that the bridge had just broken due to the _____________.

Ans ; flood

6. As we went through the wood, the ____________ of the trees were swaying and making a ___________ rushing sound.

Ans ; branches, terrible

7. A little later, when we reached the bridge, Beauty came to a _______________.

Ans ; sudden stop

8. When we started back from the town, it was late in the _________ The wind was much ___________________.

Ans ; afternoon, stronger

9. John said we must go back to the _____________ find another way to the wooden ____________.

Ans ; crossways, bridge

10. Oh! What a good ______________ he gave me that night. And then a really thick .

Ans ; supper, bed of straw

4. Based on your understanding of the story write the answers for the following questions in a sentence or two.

1. Did Black Beauty like to pull the cart?

Yes, Black Beauty liked to pull the cart.

2. How was the weather?

The weather was very windy.

3. Describe the bridge.

There was a low wooden bridge at the entrance of the toll gate. It was as high as the river banks.

4. What was the alternate plan suggested by John to reach the wooden bridge?

John said that they must go back to the crossways find another way to the wooden bridge.

5. Why was Black Beauty reluctant to cross the bridge?

Black beauty had known that something was wrong with the bridge.

5. Write the answers for the following questions.

1. What did the man at the toll gate on the other side tell them?

He told that the bridge had just broken due to the flood.

2. Was Black Beauty afraid to cross the bridge?

No, Black Beauty was not afraid to cross the bridge.

3. What did John think about human’s attitude on animals?

John thought that many people did not take very good care of their animals or make friends with them as they should do.

4. What would have happened to all the three if Black Beauty had not been wiser?

If Black Beauty had not been wiser, all the three would have drowned at the wooden bridge.

5. Where did John take Black Beauty and what did he give her?

John took Black Beauty to the stable. He gave him a good supper, a thick bed of straw.

6. How will you take care of your pet? Write about in fifty words.

  1. I will try to cater its needs.
  2. I will clean it up and de-worm regularly.
  3. I will train it sociable.
  4. I will take it to the proper vet regularly.
  5. I will protect it against diseases.

Step to sucess

Coding – Decoding verbal reasoning.

1. In a certain code language, if Violet is called as Green, Green is called as Red, Red is called as Brown, Brown is called as Orange, Orange is called as Yellow, Yellow is called as Blue and Blue is called as Indigo, then what is the colour of human blood in that language?
  1. Red
  2. Blue
  3. Green
  4. Violet
  5. Brown

Ans ; Brown

Explanation: Originally the colour of human blood is ‘RED’. In this Language, ‘Red’ is called as ‘Brown’. So answer is ‘Brown’
2. In a certain code language, if Pen means Eraser, Eraser means Book, Book means Scale, Scale means Sharpener, Sharpener means Duster and Duster means Table, then what is the name of the object that is used to clean the black board in that language?
  1. Duster
  2. Sharpener
  3. Table
  4. Scale
  5. Book

Ans ; Table

Explanation: Originally object that is used to clean the black board is ‘Duster’ In this Language, ‘Duster’ means ‘Table’. So answer is ‘Table’

3. In a certain code language, if Bread is called Butter, Butter is called Milk, Milk is called Shirt, Shirt is called Shoe, Shoe is called Bicycle, Bicycle is called Watch, Watch is called Aeroplane and Aeroplane is called Ship, then which of the following indicates time in that language?

  1. Watch
  2. Bicycle
  3. Milk
  4. Ship
  5. Aeroplane

Ans ; Aeroplane

Explanation: Originally ‘Watch’ indicates time In this Language, ‘Watch’ is called ‘Aeroplane’. So answer is ‘Aeroplane’







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