Sunday, May 9, 2021

Unit 2 - Revision Examination (90 Marks)

 Answer and share your answer sheet to our group.

பின்வரும் கேள்விகளை விடைத்தாளில் எழுதி புகைப்படம் எடுத்து குழுவில் அனுப்பவும். 

Answer the following questions and share as a image to our group. 

Section - 2 Answer any three of the following questions. (3×2=6) 

27. Report the following dialogue.

Raga : Give me permission to study in Germany, 
Dad. Father : Can you manage alone there?.
Raga : Yes dad. 

28. Rewrite the following sentence in its passive form. 

Did you see my modem? 

29. Combine the sentences using ‘if’. 

The students update their knowledge. They can easily get through the competitive exams. 

30. Combine the following into a complex sentence.

 Ramji burnt his midnight oil. Yet he did not clear his civil service preliminary examination.

                                     Section -2 

Answer any two of the following questions in about 30 words each. (2X3=6) 

 31) “They have their exits and their entrances;
 And one man in his time plays many parts,”
32) “Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel, 
Seeking the bubble reputation”. 
33) “Is second childishness and mere oblivion; 
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.”
                                     Section -2 

Answer any two of the following questions in about 30 words each. (2X3=6) 

34) What were Dr. Barnard’s feelings when he was hospitalized after an accident? 
35)  When and where did the accident occur?
36) What was the profound lesson that Dr. Barnard learnt from the boys?
                            Section - 3
 Answer any three of the following questions in about 30 words each. (3×3=9)
 37. Read the table carefully and answer the questions given below: 
1. Which is the hotel that can cater to all the requirements of a thrifty tourist? 
 a) Hotel Pothigai b) Hotel Cheran c) Hotel Tamilnadu d) Kaveri Park
 2. What is the difference in rent between Hotel Tamilnadu and the Kaveri park?
 a) Rs. 420 b) Rs. 460 c) Rs. 410 d) Rs. 380 
3. Why is the Kaveri Park hotel so expensive? 
 a) very near to the bus stand b) spacious rooms c) double, deluxe A/c d) double, non A/c 
38. Extend the conversation with three more exchanges. 
Sridhar : Good morning sir, I want my TC.
 Prinicipal : Good morning. Give me a letter of application. 
39. Expand the following news headlines. 
i) World Cup begins on May 30.
ii) Family day celebrated all over the country.
iii) New ministry sworn in tonight.
 40. Describe the process of obtaining a Demand Draft from the bank.
                            PART IV 
Answer the following questions. (7×5=35)
 Answer in a paragraph in about 150 words
41.  Give an account of the medical problems for which the two boys were hospitalized.
42. Describe the various stages of a man’s life picturised in the poem “All the World’s a stage.”
43. Sketch the character of Ausable.
44. Write a summary or make notes of the following passage. A volcano is a vent in the earth’s crust having funnel shaped hollow from which eruption or flow of hot materials called lava takes place. It is caused by magma forcing its way to the earth’s surface. Before the flow of lava, rock fragments and ashes are also thrown out into the air. When the lava ejected by a volcano is thick it goes on accumulating round the vent and forms a conical hill. With further accumulations of lava in this way, it forms a high mountain called a volcanic mountain. The mouth of the volcano which looks like a bowl is known as a crater. When a volcano remains inactive for a long period, the rain water accumulates in the crater, and forms a lake called a crater lake. Sometimes lava comes out through deep fissures. This type of lava ejection is called fissure eruption. Some volcanoes emit lava, ashes, steam, gases etc. frequently. They are called active volcanoes. The Barren island volcano in the Andaman islands, Etna in Sicily and Stromboli in the Mediterranean sea are good examples. There are about 450 active volcanoes in the world. Volcanoes that have remained inactive for quite a long period are sleeping or dormant volcanoes. Such volcanoes are very dangerous because they suddenly rise to activity. Vesuvius near Naples in Italy is the example of this type of volcano. 
45. Read the following advertisement and prepare a resume considering yourself fulfilling the conditions specified.


Young and experienced graduates to work as Sales Representatives for the various branches of our pharmaceutical company.

Apply to: The General Manager, Sathya Pharmaceuticals, Chennai - 2.

(or) Write a paragraph on ‘Environmental Pollution’ or ‘An exciting experience in your life’. 
46. i) Read the following sentences, spot the errors and correct them. 
(a) Your counsel will benefit to me.  
(b) Raju met in an accident. 
(c) Despite being old and he is active. 
 (d) Abi is inferior than Raga in games. 
 (e) Ram is one of the best student present. 
 ii) Fill in the blanks appropriately. 
(a) The smuggler led a _______ life in the _______ forest. (luxuriant / luxurious) 
(b) You _______ come in your uniform. (modal verb)
(c) One never _______ (know) what the future will bring. (suitable form of verb) 
(d) I reached on time _______ missed my train. (use the correct link word) 
47. Identify each of the following sentences with the field in the list given below, by understanding the word or words serving as the clue. 
(a) The monitor displays the menu. 
(b) The hybrid variety of paddy was a failure. 
(c) There is no drop-out in schools now. 
(d) Every physician understands that a negative report contributes to diagnosis. 
(e) Two women ministers were appointed in the first cabinet after independence. 
 [Politics, Medicine, Agriculture, Education, Computer] 
Read the following passage and answer in your own words. 
Pollution is an undesirable change in physical, chemical and biological characteristics of our land, air and water caused by excessive accumulation of pollutants. The pollutants like carbon -di-oxide, sulphur-di-oxide and nitrogen oxide cause air pollution. The gas sulphur-di-oxide produces acid rain. Due to acid rain buildings and plant materials are damaged. The increase of these causes global warming also. The average increase in the temperature of atmosphere is called global warming. This is otherwise known as green house effect. This leads to the rise of sea level due to the melting of glaciers. The expansion of water will engulf many parts of this country. July 1998 was the hottest month world over. 
(a) What is pollution? 
(b) Name a few pollutants. 
(c) What is global warming? 
(d) What is the significance of July 1998? 
(e) The melting of glaciers makes the sea level _______

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