Friday, May 7, 2021

All the world's a stage - ERC

3. Explain the following lines briefly with reference to the context. 


a) “They have their exists and entrances

 And one man in his time pays many parts”


 These lines are taken from “All the World’s a Stage” which is an extract from Shakespeare’s “As You Like It”.


 In this extract, Shakespeare says that the world is a stage. Man enters this stage through his birth and he leaves the stage through death. In between birth and death, he plays – seven roles.

b) “Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel (PTA 1, 6)

 Seeking the bubble reputation”


 These lines are taken from “All the World’s a Stage” which is an extract from Shakespeare’s “As You Like It”


 In this extract, Shakespeare says that the world is a stage. Man plays seven roles on the stage. These lines explain the fourth stage ie. of a soldier. In this stage, he takes great care of honour and reputation. He is quick to get into any argument. He tries to get reputation which is as short lived as a bubble.

c) “Is second childishness and mere oblivion

 Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything”.


 These lines are taken from “All the World’s a Stage” which is an extract from Shakespeare’s “As You Like It”.


 In this extract, Shakespeare says that the world is a stage. Man has seven roles on the stage. These lines explain the last stage of man. In this stage, he becomes like a child and it is his second childishness. He forgets everything about the past. He loses his teeth, sight, taste and everything and finally his life too.


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