Monday, September 9, 2024

9th English pre quarterly


Quarterly Question Paper

9th English
Time allowed: 15 minutes + 3 hours English Maximum marks: 100
Part I 14X1=14
I) Answer all the questions.
II) Choose the most suitable answer and write the code with the correspond answer.
Choose the appropriate synonyms for the italicized words:
1. It helped me to build up physical and mental stamina.
a) ability to sustain b) ability to fight c)ability to wealth d) be calm
2. She was tired of pruning rose bushes and bougainvillea.
a) planting b) plucking c) trimming d) lighting
3. Gosh, girls, its a cloudburst!
a) thunder b) lightening c) violent rainstorm d) drizzling
Choose the appropriate antonyms for the italicized words:
4. From outside still at the telephone, with irritation, I’m trying to get Main 3022.
a) Calmness b) anger c) joy d) starvation
5. He did not look very prosperous.
a) Wealthy b) flourishing c) hungry d) unsuccessful
6. That incident taught me how to concentrate even when physically drained.
a) Observe b) lenient c) distract d) attract
7. Form a derivative by adding the right prefix to the word _______ conscious.
a) Sub b) mis c) en d) non
8. Form a derivative by adding the right suffix to the word happy____.
a) ness b) ment c) ful d) or
9. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate preposition given below:
He was ____________the sea now.
a) on b) to c) near d) with
10. Complete the following sentence with the most appropriate answer given below:
I ______ the healing power of a mother’s touch.
a) ask for b) believe in c) call for d) care for
11. Choose the appropriate degree given below:
Mango is ______than pineapple.
a) sweeter b) sweetest c) sweet d) so sweet
12. Complete the following sentence using appropriate prepositional phrase:
I am standing here ______ my friends.
a) In behalf of b) on behalf of c) in general d) by means of
13. Complete the following sentence using appropriate gerund.
__________ is a good exercise.
a) Walking b) Talking c) Sleeping d) Eating
14. Complete the following sentence using appropriate Infinitive.
_________is human.
a) To walk b) To speak c) To err d) To drive
Part II 2x10=20
SectionI (PROSE)
Answer any three (3) of the following questions in a sentence or two. 3x2=6
15. What was the suggestion given by Achrekar to Sachin’s father?
16. Why did the visitor return to his old house?
17. How does Red Cross help the children?

18. What happened to Sara? Who gave first aid to her?

Section – II (POETRY)

Read the following sets of poetic lines and answer any THREE of the following. 3x2=6

19. He will not see me stopping here

To watch his woods fill up with snow.

a) Whom does ‘he’ refer to?

b) Identify the season in these lines.

20. And I watered it in fears

Night and morning with my tears;

a) What does ‘it’ refer to?

b) How is ‘It’ watered?

21. It has grown slowly consuming the earth

Rising out of it, feeding upon its crust, absorbing.

a) How was the tree grown?

b) What does the tree feed from the crust?

22. The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

But I have promises to keep

a) How are the woods?

b) B) Whom does ‘I” refer to?

Section – III (GRAMMAR)

Answer any THREE of the following. 3x2=6

23. Identify the clauses and classify them accordingly :

She was happy because her father gave her a watch.

24. Find out the anagram of the following words given below :

a) elbow

b) words

25. Write the gerund/infinitive form of the verbs in the blank:

We really look forward-------(meet) alien creatures and ------(find) out what they are really like.

26. Punctuate the following: what are you looking at she said

27. Use the words given below in your own sentences so as to get different meanings.

a) bank

b) watch

Section – IV (Compulsory)

Answer the following question. 1x2=2

28. Rewrite the following sentence into Superlative degree:

Very few boys in the class are as smart as Rahul.

Part III

Section I - Prose

Answer any TWO of the following in utmost 10 lines.

29. Achrekar was a sincere coach – Substantiate.

30. Narrate the hardships underwent by Sachin to become a great cricketer.

31. Explain the narrator’s visit to his old house.

32. How did Jim prove himself as a good rescuer in the fold situation?

Section – II - Poem

Answer any Two of the following in utmost 10 lines 2x5=10

33. “The choices made by one, shapes one’s destiny ”- Explain in a paragraph.”

34. “A tree doesn’t grow in a day ” -Explain it with reference to the poem.

35. Read the following stanza and answer the question given below:

I was angry with my friend;

I told my wrath, my wrath did end.

I was angry with my foe

I told it not, my wrath did grow.

i) Whom does ‘I’ refer to?

ii) How did the anger of the poet come to an end?

iii) Pick out the rhyming words.

iv) What is the rhyme scheme of the stanza?

36. Paraphrase the following stanza.

And it grew both day and night,

Till it bore an apple bright.

And my foe beheld it shine,

And he knew that it was mine.

Section – III

Answer any ONE of the following: 1x5=5

37. Rearrange the following sentences in coherent order.

I. So they killed and buried it under a pine tree.

II. An honest old couple had a dog.

III. It brought the honest couple good luck.

IV. An envious wicked couple borrowed the dog.

V. The borrowed dog did not bring them any luck.

38. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

It was a very old book. Margie’s grandfather once said that when he was a little boy, his grandfather told him that there was a time when all stories were printed on paper. They turned the pages, which were

yellow and crinkly, and it was awfully funny to read words that stood still instead of moving the way they were supposed to-on a screen, you know “Gee!” said Tommy, “What a waste. When you’re through

with the book, you just throw it away, I guess. Our television screen must have had a million books on it and it’s good for plenty more. I wouldn’t throw it away.” “Same with mine,” said Margie. She was

eleven and hadn’t seen as many telebooks as Tommy had. He was thirteen. She said, “Where did you find it?” “In my house.” He pointed without looking, because he was busy reading. “In the attic.”

What’s it about?” “School.”


a) What did Tommy find?

b) How was the old book?

c) How old was Tommy and Margie?

d) Why was the book funny to read?

e) Where did Tommy find the book?

Section – IV (Writing)

Answer any FOUR of the following. 4x5=20

39. . Look at the bar-graph. Write five sentences using the appropriate degrees of comparison.

40. Prepare an attractive advertisement using the hints given below.

Home appliances – Aadi Sale – 20-50% - Special Combo Offers – Aadhav & Co., Raja Street, Chepauk, Chennai.

41. Draft a speech welcoming the chief guest on the Independence Day celebration.

42. Write a letter to your friend about your experiences during the recent ‘Ochki’ cyclone.

43. Make notes or write a summary of the following passage:

There are many different kinds of books that are published each year. These are the new titles available for us to read. Besides these, there are books that have been published through the years. Together, there are millions of books available throughout the world in as many languages as are spoken by people. There are different genres in which books are published. There are fiction and non-fiction categories in books, and each of these categories has many different genres of books. The academic books we study at school belong to the text book category. We study them to complete our syllabus and pass the examinations at the end of each academic session. There are other books that we read for our pleasure and enrichment. We read story books of different types. There are comedy, horror, detective and thriller stories in prose, plays and poetry forms. Books are our best friends.

44. Identify and correct the errors in the following sentences.

a) Every students like the teacher.

b) I look forward to meet you.

c) Where I can find a bank?

d) My flight departs in 5 a.m.

e) I live in United States.

Section – V Memoriter (Compulsory)

45. Quote from memory:

My little horse............bells a shake. 1x5=5

Part IV (Supplementary)

46. Write a paragraph of about 100 words by developing the following hints. 2x8=16

honest couple - dog –luck - envious wicked couple – borrowed - not bring luck - killed – buried– pine tree – honest man’s dream – mortar – pine tree – honest man - treasure – borrowed mortar –burnt – dog appeared dream – sprinkle ashes – withered trees – come back – life – prince – rich reward – wicked man –ashes – eyes of the prince – punished -


2157 – no schools – no teachers – no books – Tommy – 13 year old – 11 year old – room – house-School – Machines – teachers – screen – computer – book – Tommy – find – real old book – attic – house – yellow – crinkly – Margie – surprise – printed – papers – same age – same place – discuss – help –homework - - strange - mechanical teacher – lesson – think – old schools fun.

Part V (General Comprehension)

47. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions given below:

For the next 10 years, Nammazhwar was an agronomist for Island of Peace, an organization founded by the Nobel Laureate Dominique Pire. His focus was on improving the standard of living through

agricultural development in the Kalakad block of Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu. He completely lost trust in conventional farming practices and began experimenting with sustainable agricultural methods. He

advocated the ‘Bread sandwich’ method. In this method once the soil is made ready and the suggested practices followed, one need not work on the soil for the second time. They can go on sowing and reaping, all through the year.

Answer the following questions based on the given passage.

1. Who is Nammazhwar?

2. Did he believe conventional farming practices?

3. What was his focus?

4. Name the agricultural method he encouraged.


Read the following poem and answer the questions given below:

Memories of My Dad

- Rebecca D.Cook.

He wasn’t a hero

Known by the world,

But a hero he was

To his little girl.

My daddy was God,

Who knew all things.

And better than Santa,

With the gifts he’d bring.

I knew his voice

Before I could speak.

And loves it when

He would sing me to sleep


i. Who was the hero of the little girl?

ii. Who knew all things?

iii. Dad is better than .......

iv. Little girl knew dad’s voice before she could speak. (True / False).

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