Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Water – The Elixir of Life Solution

 Water – The Elixir of Life Solution | Lesson 

Question 1.
What is the imaginary elixir of life?
The divine Amrita is the imaginary elixir of life.

Question 2.
What according to the writer (author) is the real elixir of life?
According to the writer (author), water is the real elixir of life.

Question 3.
What is the wonderful difference the writer (author) talks about in the passage?
On one side, was the visible sea of billowing sand without a speck of green or a single living thing anywhere on it. On the other side lay one of the greatest, most fertile and densely populated areas to be found anywhere on the earth, teeming with life and vegetation.

Question 4.
What is the cheering sight’ mentioned in the paragraph?
The rain fed tanks which are full is the ‘cheering sight’ mentioned in this paragraph.

Question 5.
What does the writer (author) compare water in a landscape to?
The writer compares the water in a landscape to the eyes in a human face.

Question 6.
How does the water in the rain fed tanks get its colour?
Water carries silt or finely divided soil in suspension. This is the origin of the characteristic colour of the rain fed tanks.

Question 7.
What is the main cause of soil erosion?
The sudden burst of excessively heavy rain resulting in a large run of surplus water is the main cause of soil erosion.

Question 8.
What other factors add to the erosion of precious soil?
The other factors which add to the erosion of precious soil are the slope of the land, removal of the natural protective coat of vegetation, the existence of ruts along which the water can flow with rapidly gathering moments and the absence of any checks of such flow.

Question 9.
How can soil erosion be prevented?
The terracing of land, construction of bunds to check the flow of water, the practice of contour cultivation and the planting of appropriate types of vegetation are the measures that can prevent soil erosion.

Question 10.
How does the prevention of soil erosion cene a double purpose?
The adoption of techniques preventing soil erosion would also help to conserve and keep the water in and on the soil serves a double measure.

Question 11.
What are the two sources of water?
The two sources of water are rain and snowfall.

Question 12.
What happens to the rain water?
The rain water flows down into the streams and rivers and ultimately finds its way to the sea.

Question 13.
What is the idea of civilized forest?
The civilized forests would, directly and indirectly, prove a source of untold wealth to the country. They would check soil erosion and conserve the rainfall of the country from flowing away to waste and would provide the necessary supplies of cheap fuel, and thus render unnecessary the wasteful conversion of farmyard manure into a form of fuel.

Question 14.
How can you check soil erosion?
The creation of civilized forests planting trees at all places would check soil erosion.

Question 15.
What are the cheapest means of transport?
The cheapest means of transport is by boats and barges through canals and rivers.

Question 16.
How can you make a difference in the country side?
The availability of electric power would make a tremendous difference to the life of the country side and enable rural economy to be improved in various directions.

A. Answer the following questions briefly in one or two sentences.

Question 1.
What makes water one of the most powerful and wonderful things on earth?
Water played a role of vast significance in shaping the course of the earth’s history and continues to play the leading role in the drama of life on the surface of our planet.

Question 2.
How does water help in the formation of fertile lands?
Water carries silt or finely divided soil in suspension. The land which is formed by silt is proved to be fertile.

Question 3.
How does soil erosion happen and what are its main causes?
The flow of water under certain conditions causes soil erosion. Sudden bursts of excessively heavy rain resulting in large run of surplus water are the principal factors in causing soil erosion.

Question 4.
What are some measures that are used to prevent soil erosion?
The terracing of the land, the construction of bunds to check the flow of water, the practice of contour cultivation and planting of appropriate types of vegetation are the measures used to prevent the flow water and the soil erosion.

Question 5.
How, according to Sir C. V. Raman, can rainwater as well as the water of rivers be prevented from going to waste?
The systematic planting of suitable trees can prevent rainwater from going to waste.

Additional Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Why does C.V. Raman compare water to Amrita?
Sir C.V. Raman compares water to Amrita because of its immense properties to maintain human, animal and plant life.

Question 2.
Why does the author say that Egypt was made by Nile?
The author gives the thought of the geologist that the soil of the Nile Valley is the creation of the river itself. It has brought down the finest silt in its flood and thus created the Nile Valley.

Question 3.
How does water add beauty to the countryside?
Water adds to the beauty of the country side. The cattle quench their thirst in the evening. There are many raid-fed tanks common in south India. These are a cheering sight of the countryside.

Question 4.
How does the water in rain-fed tanks get its colour?
Water is powerful to carry silt or finely divided soil in suspension. This is the origin of the characteristic colour of the water in rain-fed tanks.

Question 5.
What is meant by soil erosion?
The geological process under appropriate conditions can play a destructive part and wash away the soil. The washing away of soil by the flow of water is called soil erosion.

Question 6.
How can we tackle the problem of destruction?
The systematic planting of suitable trees is in every possible or even in impossible areas, and the development of civilized forests are the ways to tackle the problem of deforestation.

Question 7.
Which form of transport, according to Sir. C.V. Raman, is the cheapest?
According to Sir. C.V. Raman, is the cheapest form of internal transport in a country is by boats and barges through canals and rivers.

Question 8.
What are the uses of rain fed-tanks?
The rain-fed tanks are so common in South India play a vital role in Agriculture. In Mysore, for example, much of the rice is grown under them.

Question 9.
What in India’s urgent need as far as conservation of water is concerned?
The systematic planting of suitable trees in every possible or in impossible areas, and the development of civilized forests are India’s urgent need as far as conservation of water is concerned.

Question 10.
How does conservation of water serve rural India?
The conservation and utilization of water is fundamental for human welfare. Much of Indian agriculture depends on seasonal rainfall. Conservation of water helps rural India to carry on with agricultural activities.

Question 11.
Why does the author compare the water in a landscape to the human eyes?
The water in a landscape reflects the mood of the hour, being bright and gay when the sun shines. It turns dark and gloomy when the sky is overcast. Thus he compares (the water in a landscape) it to the human eyes.

Question 12.
Make a list of the places where hydro-electric power is generated in Tamil Nadu.
The places where hydro-electric power is generated in Tamil Nadu are Mettur (Salem), Kundah, Siva samudrum, and Pykara.

A. Given below are some idioms related to water. Match the idioms with it’s meaning

Idioms Meanings
1) blood runs thicker than water a) to criticize or stop something that some people are enthusiastic about
2) to be a fi sh out of water b) naturally, with ease
3) dull as dishwater c) to be active but without making progress or falling farther behind
4) as a duck takes to water d) family members have stronger  bligations with each other than with people outside the family
5) come hell or high water e) to be in a difficult situation
6 You never miss the water till the well runs dry f) boring, uninteresting
7) pour cold water on something g) criticism to someone that has no effect on them at all
8) tread water h) People are not grateful for what they have until they lose it
9) be (like) water off a duck’s back i) to be uncomfortable in a particular situation
10) to be in deep water j) no matter what happens
Ans : 1 – d, 2 – i, 3 – f, 4 – b , 5 – j, 6 – h, 7 – a, 8 – c, 9 – g, 10 – e

B. On the basis of the listening passage, choose the correct answer from the given options.

1. Severn Suzuki represents an organization called ECO which stands for __________

  1. Ecological Cooperation.
  2. Environmental Coordinating Organization.
  3. Environmental Children’s Organization.
  4. Ecological Children’s Organization.

Ans : Environmental Children’s Organization.

2. “I am fighting for my future.” The ‘fight’ refers to her_______

  1. fight to win an election.
  2. fight to gain a few points in share market.
  3. fight against corruption.
  4. fight against environmental pollution.

Ans : fight against environmental pollution.

3. Animals and fish are becoming extinct because _____

  1. they have no place to go.
  2. they die of diseases.
  3. their food and habitat are polluted.
  4. all the above.

Ans : their food and habitat are polluted.

4. It is evident that Severn Suzuki is concerned about all other species too as, _______

  1. she considers them all belonging to one world.
  2. they have nobody except her to speak for.
  3. they belong to her.
  4. they are all children.

Ans : she considers them all belonging to one world.

5. Severn Suzuki condemns the people of her country for ____

  1. contributing large amounts of waste and not sharing the excess with the needy.
  2. being afraid of the poor.
  3. being angry with the poor belonging to other countries.
  4. being wealthy.

Ans : contributing large amounts of waste and not sharing the excess with the needy.

6. Which of the following statements is not true?

  1. Canada is a rich country and people have in plenty.
  2. Canadian children are privileged.
  3. A Brazilian child was willing to share because she was rich.
  4. Northen countries will not share with the needy

Ans : A Brazilian child was willing to share because she was rich.

Simple Present Tense

A. Choose the correct form of the present tense verb from the options given.

1. All children __________ something new every day. (learn/ learns/ learned)

Ans : learn

2. A good student always ________ hard. (work / works / worked)

Ans : works

3. Engineers ___________ bridges. (build / builds / built)

Ans : build

4. My sister is an architect. She __________ skyscrapers. (design/ designs / designed)

Ans : designs

5. The Himalayas ______________ India from the cold winds. (protect/ protects/ protected)

Ans : protect

6. It always ________ here in the afternoon. (drizzle / drizzles / drizzled)

Ans : drizzles

7. My mother _____________ in a factory. (work/ works / worked)

Ans : works

8. Chella ________ English very well, but she doesn’t understand Hindi. (speak/ speaks/ spoke)

Ans : speaks

9. Cows __________ us milk. (give/ gives/ gave)

Ans : give

10. The trains to Chennai always _________ on time. (run / runs / ran)

Ans : run

Present Continuous Tense

B. Make sentences in the present continuous tense using the verb given in brackets.

1. Who is that boy ________ on the table? (stand)

Ans : standing

2. What are you __________? (do) I __________ (listen) to music.

Ans : doing / am listening

3. My brother __________ (work) in London now.

Ans : is working

4. I _____________ (wait) for my mother.

Ans : am waiting

5. It is better not to disturb her, she ____________ (work).

Ans : is working

C. What are they doing? Use the verbs below and write sentences.

eat,   cry,   play,   read,   sing,   watch

Ex. Tom is eating.

  • Anu is playing.
  • Peter is watching.
  • Kalai is crying.
  • Sudhan is singing.
  • Velu is reading.

D. Write the –ing form of the verbs.

1. Come – Coming 2. Take – Taking 3. Fly – Flying
4. Swim – Swiming 5. Study – Studying 6. Read – Reading

E. Write negative sentences.

1. He is learning to read.

Ans : He is not learning to read

2. I am having a bath.

Ans : I am not having a bath. 

3. I’m reading a fantastic book.

Ans : I’m not reading a fantastic book

4. Raja is driving a new car.

Ans : Raja is not driving a new car.

5. I’m looking for my bag.

Ans : I’m not looking for my bag

F. Write questions for the answers.

1. Are they singing?

No, they aren’t singing.

2. Is she writing a new book?

Yes, she is writing a new book.

3. Is it working?

Yes, it is working.

4. Is he doing the project?

No, he isn’t doing the project.

5. Are you planning to go?

Yes, we are planning to go.

G. Fill in the blanks with verbs in the present continuous.

1. You ___________ (listen) to the music.

Ans : are listening

2. He _______________________ (cry).

Ans : crying

3. I _________ (swim) in the pool.

Ans : am swimming

4. Latha _______ (wait) for her daughter.

Ans : is waiting

5. _________ she ________ (watch) TV?

Ans : Is / watching

6. Who _________ he __________ (help)?

Ans : is / helping

7. Her father ________ (not/cook) dinner.

Ans : is not cooking

8. Akila ___________ (not/sing) a song.

Ans : is not singing

9. My brother ____ (not/do) his homework.

Ans : is not doing

10. ______your mother ____ (work) today?

Ans : Is / working

11. Amutha and Praba _____ (play) tennis.

Ans : are playing 

12. Amith and Ravi ___ (not/swim) in the lake.

Ans : are not swimming

present perfect

Make sentences in the present perfect tense using the verbs in brackets.

1. She ____________ to anybody. (never apologized, has never apologized, have never apologized)

Ans : have never apologized

2. My mother _________________ to London. (has been, being in, have been )

Ans : has been

3. I ___________ all the plays of Shakespeare. (read, had read, have read)

Ans : have read

4. Have you ___________ your lunch? (finish, finished, had finished)

Ans : finished

5. _____________ he brought his bike? (Had, Has, Have)

Ans : Has

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Make sentences in the present perfect continuous tense using the verbs in brackets.

1. How long __________ ? (are you waiting, have you been waiting, have you waited)

Ans : have you been waiting

2. She ___________ in the garden since morning. (is working, has been working, work)

Ans : has been working

3. I _______________ this mobile for three years. (am using, has used, have been using)

Ans : have been using

4. The children ___________ in the park. (has been playing, have been playing, had been playing)

Ans : have been playing

5. The workers ______ higher wages for a long time. (has been demanding, have been demanding, demand)

Ans : have been demanding


L. Complete the story using the past tense of the verbs.

The Hare and the Tortoise

1. Knew 2. could 3. was 4. sai
5. had 6 . found 7. told 8. hid
9. began 10. ran 11. was 12. thought
13. decided 14. fell 15. woke up 16. saw
17. was 18. was 19. ran 20. couldn’t
21. sat 22. got up 23. turned 24. won

Past Continuous Tense

N. Make sentences in the past continuous tense using the verb in brackets.

1. The children ___________ (wait) for the bus.

Ans : were waiting 

2. The girls _______ (learn) their lessons.

Ans : were learning

3. I __________ (play) in the rain all evening.

Ans : was playing

4. Vijay __________ (repair) his car.

Ans : was repairing

5. Hari _____________ (work) hard to pass the entrance examination.

Ans : was working

Past Perfect Tense

Complete the sentences using the past perfect tense.

1. Kalai didn’t complete his homework because ___________.

Ans : he had fallen asleep

2. By the time Sundar got up ________.

Ans : his father had gone out. 

3. When we reached the park, __________.

Ans : everyone had left. 

4. Saralah didn’t want to see her ___________ .

Ans : because she had deveived her. 

5. Manohar was laughing because _____________.

Ans : Balu had fallen into the gutter. 

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Circle the correct verb form in each of the following sentences.

1. Ezhil baked / had been baking a cake when they came.

Ezhil had been baking a cake when they came.

2. Veeran cleaned / had been cleaning the room since morning.

Veeran had been cleaning the room since morning.

3. We worked / had been working in the city for ten years before we moved to the village.

We had been working in the city for ten years before we moved to the village.

4. The cat had been waiting / was waiting for the mice to come out of the hole.

The cat had been waiting for the mice to come out of the hole.

5. Kanan had been looking / have been looking for a job for a long time.

Kanan had been looking for a job for a long time.

Simple Future Tense

Q. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. We hope you ___________ (have) a great time in Ooty

Ans : will have

2. I think Manju ____________ (visit) her grandparents during the vacation.

Ans : will visit

3. Be careful, that mirror ______ (fall) on the floor.

Ans : will fall

4. As soon as my father arrives, we ___________ (go) to watch the film.

Ans : shall go

5. When your train arrives, I __________ (wait) for you at the station.

Ans : will wait

Future Continuous Tense

Make sentences in the future continuous tense using the verb in brackets.

1. Ashwin __________ (complete) M.B.A. in another two years.

Ans : will be completing

2. I ____________ (go) to Thanjavur by this time tomorrow.

Ans : shall be going

3. Prabha __________ (receive) the best student award in six months’ time.

Ans : will be receiving

4. The plane _______ (leave) at 3 o’clock.

Ans : will be leaving

5. He _________ (attend) the conference.

Ans : will be attending





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