Wednesday, December 7, 2022

9th River - Poem


9th English Guide The River Textbook Questions and Answers

B. Read the following lines and answer the questions given below:

1. O’er the yellow pebbles dancing
through the flowers and foliage glancing.

Question (a)
How does the river flow?
The river flows over the yellow pebbles dancing through the flowers and leaves in a playful manner.

Question (b)
What is meant by ‘foliage’?
Foliage means a cluster of leaves and branches of a tree or plant.

On you rush through rough and smooth.

Question (a).
Why does the poet mention the river to be swelling?
The poet mentions the river to be swelling because the river is like a reckless youth.

3. Over rocks, by rose – banks, sweeping
like impetuous youth.

Question (a).
Where does the rose grow?
The rose grows by rose-banks

Question (b).
Which stage of men is compared here?
The youth of men is compared here.

4. Broad and deep, and still as time Seeming still, yet still in motion.

Question (a).
What is broad and deep?
The river is broad and deep.

Question (b).
Is time still?
Yes, the time is still.

5. Tending onward to the ocean,
Just like a mortal prime.

Question (a).
Where is the river flowing to?
The river is flowing to the ocean.

Question (b).
What does the poet mean by ‘mortal prime’?
Mortal prime means a man in the best of his life.

Poetic Devices:

C. Road the following lines and answer the questions.

1. Bright you sparkle on your way;
O’er the yellow pebbles dancing.
Through the flowers and foliage glancing Like a child at play.
Pick out the rhyming words,
Dancing and glancing; way and play are the rhyming words.

2. Mention the rhyme scheme of the poem.
The rhyme scheme of the poem is abba.

3. Through the flowers and foliage glancing like a child at play.
Mention the figure of speech used in the above line.
Give various other examples from the poem.
The figure of speech used is “simile”
Other examples of the simile in this poem.

  1. “Like impetuous youth”
  2. Just like mortal prime
  3. Still as time
  4. Like eternity”.

4. Seeming still, yet still in motion.
Question (a).
Pick out the words in alliteration from the above lines.
The alliterated words are seeming, still, and still.

Question (b).
Identify other examples from the poem for alliteration.
Other examples for alliteration from this poem:

  1. River, river, little river
  2. Through the flowers and foliage glancing
  3. River, river Swelling river!
  4. On you rush through rough and smooth
  5. Over rocks, by rose – banks, sweeping
  6. River, river! Brimming river!
  7. River, river! Headlong river!
  8. Down you dash into the sea.
  9. The sea that line hath never sounded
  10. The sea that sail hath never rounded.

5. Pick out the examples for epithet from the poem.

  1. Swelling river
  2. Brimming river
  3. Mortal prime
  4. impetuous youth.

6. Pick out the examples for imagery from the poem.

  1. Through the flowers and foliage glancing.
  2. On you rush through rough and smooth
  3. Louder, faster, brawling leaping
  4. Broad and deep and still
  5. Seeming still, yet still in motion
  6. By rose – banks.


Gifted Students

In the poem ‘The River’, the poet compares the flow of the river with different Stages of human life. The first stanza explains how the sparkling river goes dancing over The yellow pebbles and glancing through the flowers and leaves. These acts of the river is compared to a curious and innocent Child at play. The second stanza compares the river to a Reckless youth who goes through rough and smooth patches of life. Like a youth, here the river becomes louder, faster, and Sweeping everything all along the way. In the third stanza, the river becomes like a hard-working man who is at the Prime phase of life. Here the deep and broad river seems Motionless but it keeps moving towards the sea like a matured man who silently marches towards the goal. In the last stanza, the long Journey of the river reaches the endless sea like a human life attains eternity

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