Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Term 1 Jim Corbett, A Hunter Turned Naturalist

 8th Term 1 Jim Corbett, A Hunter Turned Naturalist


Hesitate pause before saying or doing something ஏதாவது சொல்வதற்கு அல்லது செய்வதற்கு முன் நிறுத்துங்கள்
Fatalities an occurrence of death by accident தற்செயலாக மரணம்
Restricted limited extend வரையறுக்கப்பட்ட நீட்டிப்பு
Preservation protection பாதுகாப்பு

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Jim Corbett was born on _______________

Ans ; 25 July 1875.

2. Corbett shot wild animals in his _________________

Ans ; cine film camera.

3. ____________________ was the first man eater shot by Corbett.

Ans ; The Champawat Tiger

4. Corbett shot the tigress dead, near the _________________.

Ans ; Chataar Bridge

B. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below.

Jim Corbett played a key role in establishing, India’s first national park in the Kumaon Hills, the Hailey National Park, in Uttarakhand, India. It was initially named after, Lord Malcolm Hailey. Jim Corbett died on 19 April 1955. The park was renamed in 1957 as, The Jim Corbett National Park. It was named after him to honour his role in establishing this protected area in 1930s.

1. Who played a key role in establishing the national park?

Jim Corbett played a key role in establishing the national park.

2. Why was the park named Hailey National Park?

It was named after in memory of Lord Malcolm Hailey.

3. When was it renamed as Jim Corbett National Park?

The park was renamed in 1957

C. Answer the following in one or two words.

1. What was the birth name of Jim Corbett?

Edward James Corbett was the birth name of Jim Corbett.

2. What was the name of Corbett’s dog?

The name of Corbett’s dog was Robin.

3. How many kills did the Champawat Tiger recorded?

The Champawat Tiger recorded 436 kills. This was the highest number of fatalities from a tiger.

4. Who was the last kill of the Champawat Tiger?

A 16-year-old girl in the village near Champawat was the last kill of the Champawat Tiger.

5. When did Jim Corbett died?

Jim Corbett died on 19 April 1955.

D. Answer the following in 100 words.

1. According to Corbett, why a tiger turns into a man eater?

According to Corbett’s theory, the tiger cannot run fast when it grows old or gets hurt. It cannot chase its prey. Then, it start killing humans. We cannot run as fast as tiger. Hence man becomes easy prey. Once a tiger tasted human flesh, it won’t eat any other flesh. Thus, a tiger turns into a man eater.

2. How was the the Champawat Tiger killed?

The British Government requested Jim Corbett to hunt down the man-eater. So, he camped in the Kumaon district and started tracking the tigress. Several attempts to kill the tiger had gone vain. Once, the tiger killed a 16-year-old girl in the village near Champawat. It left a trail of blood. Corbett followed the blood trail for a whole day. With the help of the Thasildar of Champawat region and the villagers, Corbett killed the tiger near the Chataar bridge.

3. What were the findings of the postmortem ?

A postmortem on the tigress showed the upper and lower canine teeth on the right side of her mouth were broken. The upper one was half, the lower one right down to the bone. This injury was the result of a game hunter. These were the findings of the postmortem on the tigress in the Champawat region.


Analogy – verbal reasoning questions.

There is certain relation between two given words, find the relation to find the missing word.

1. Reading : Knowledge, Work : ?

  1. Experience
  2. Engagement
  3. Experiment
  4. Employment

Ans ; Experience

2. Cricket : Bat, Hockey : ?

  1. Field
  2. Stick
  3. Player
  4. Ball

Ans ; Stick

3. Dog : Rabies, Mosquito : ?

  1. Plague
  2. Death
  3. Malaria
  4. Sting

Ans ; Malaria

4. Man : Biography , Nation : ?

  1. Leader
  2. People
  3. Geography
  4. History

Ans ; History

5. Bread : Bakery , Brick : ?

  1. Mint
  2. Kiln
  3. Furnace
  4. Mine

Ans ; Kiln

6. Doctor : Diagnosis, Judge : ?

  1. Court
  2. Punishment
  3. Lawyer
  4. Judgment

Ans ; Judgment



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