Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Hobby – Turns A Successful Career

Hobby – Turns A Successful Career

Section -I


Unique distinctive / uncommon தனித்துவம்
Exhaust tire out முற்றிலும் சோர்வான
Energises give energy ஆற்றலளித்தல்
Passionate intense/ heartfelt தீவிரமான ஆசை
Accurately exactly துல்லியமாக
Fiction imaginative writing கற்பனை கதைகள்

Read and Understand

A. Say true or false.

1. Mani’s hobby is playing cricket. – ( False )
2. Hobbies are unique to people. – ( True )
3. People have hobbies only to pass time. – ( False )

B. Choose the correct answer.

1. Mani imagined a world with ____________

  1. music and musicians
  2. building and sculptures
  3. magic and magicians

Ans ; magic and magicians

2. When Mani started writing things, he was unable to __________

  1. describe them accurately
  2. describe them fluently
  3. describe them imaginatively

Ans ; describe them imaginatively

3. Mani feels writing is like _______

  1. painting the voice
  2. engraving the voice
  3. designing the voice

Ans ; painting the voice

Section -II


Impairment disability குறைபாடு
Miniature very small of its kind மிகச்சிறிய அளவிலான
Accomplished fulfiled நிறைவான
Magnify enhance பெரிதாக்குதல்
Exhibit show or reveal கண்காட்சி, வெளிப்பாடு
Revitalise re energise புத்துணர்வு, உயிரூட்டுதல்

A. Say true or false.

  1. Ajay Garg is an artist. – ( True )
  2. Asha Devi taught Ajay the miniature painting. – ( True )
  3. Ajay displayed 150 paintings. – ( True )
  4. Ajay was awarded by the Indian President Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. – ( True )

B. Answer the following questions.

1. What was Ajay gifted with?

Ajay was gifted with a paint set.

2. How was he honoured?

He was honoured with a National Award of Accomplishment by our former

Indian President, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, in 2004.

3. What did Ajay’s current goal?

Ajay’s current goal is to revitalise the dying art of traditional miniature Indian paintings.

4. Is Ajay’s hobby become a successful career? How?


A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Mani feels writing is like _____________________

Ans ; painting the voice

2. Ajay mastered the techniques of _______________________.

Ans ; miniature paintings

3. Ilavazhagi won her first match against _______________________.

Ans ; her father

B. Choose correct synonyms for the italic word.

1. Writing is a unique hobby

  1. common
  2. beneficial
  3. uncommon
  4. separate

Ans ; uncommon

2. Ajay started to paint happily.

  1. depressed
  2. joyfully
  3. unhappily
  4. sadly

Ans ; joyfully

3. Miniature paintings depict Indian culture.

  1. warp
  2. portray
  3. twist
  4. falsify

Ans ; portray

C. Choose correct antonyms for the italic word.

1. Ajay suffered an injury.

  1. sorrow
  2. endure / comfort
  3. hurt
  4. mourn

Ans ; endure / comfort

2. He mastered the techniques of painting.

  1. skilled
  2. proficient
  3. unskilled
  4. experienced

Ans ; unskilled

3. Ilavazhagi won world championship in France.

  1. win
  2. succeed
  3. defeat
  4. well-skilled

Ans ; defeat

D. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences.

1. What happened to Ajay at the age of three?

Ajay suffered an injury at the age of three.

2. What did Asha Devi teach Ajay?

Asha Devi taught Ajay the dying art of ‘Traditional Indian Miniature Painting’.

3. Why writing is beneficial according to Mani?

Writing opens his mind to think beyond the little things with a broader mind. So, Mani thinks that writing is beneficial.

E. Answer the following questions in 100 words.

1. How did Ajay’s father find his son’s talent?

  • Ajay’s father gifted him a paint set.
  • Ajay started to paint happily.
  • He painted on the walls and floors.
  • He looked happy, while using the paint set.
  • Thus Ajay’s father realised that Ajay was talented in painting. (or) Thus Ajay’s father found his son’s talent.

2. Write a note on Ilavazhagi.

  • Ilavazhagi is a carrom champion of Tamilnadu.
  • Her father A.Irudhyaraj gave her coaching at the age of five.
  • She won lot of medals and trophies.
  • She is the champion of 5th world carrom in France.
  • She is the world cup winner in 2006.
  • She won many SAARC, Asia Cup titles and Medals.
  • Her hobby of playing carrom took her to the level of Champion


a. Pick out the correct homophone:

1. I am not _________ to drink soda. (aloud, allowed)

Ans ; allowed

2. The wind ________ the leaves. (blue, blew)

Ans ; blew

3. I will _________ my friend. (meat, meet)

Ans ; meet

4. He will play the _________ in the second play. (role, roll)

Ans ; role

5. I have _________ movie before. (scene, seen)

Ans ; seen

b. Choose the correct homophone.

1. Every morning my father likes to look at the _______ on the grass.

  1. due
  2. dew

Ans ; dew

2. Chennai is the _______ of Tamilnadu.

  1. capitol
  2. capital

Ans ; capital

3. Their words had a negative _________ on my self-esteem.

  1. affect
  2. effect

Ans ; effect

4. I was very _____ last weekend because my friends made plans that did not include me.

  1. bored
  2. board

Ans ; bored

5. The cat caught the _____ of a mouse.

  1. scent
  2. cent

Ans ; scent

Abbreviation and Acronyms

Abbreviations are shortened forms of words or lengthy phrases,

example: PM – Prime Minister

An acronym is a new word created from the first letters of a long name or phrase, for example: NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

a. Abbreviation


B.A Bachelor of Arts
B.Sc Bachelor of Science
MA Master of Arts
M.Phil Master of Philosophy
CEO Chief Educational Officer
DEO District Educational Officer
RRB Railway Recruitment Board
AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
CBI Central Bureau of Investigation
BBC British Broad casting Corporation
OTP One Time Password

b. Acronyms


LASER Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation
NATO The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
RADAR RAdio Detection And Ranging
SONAR SOund Navigation And Ranging
SCUBA Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
UDISE Unified District Information System for Education

Expand the following:

GST Goods and Services Tax
ECG Electro Cardio Gram
ILO International Labour Organisation
SCERT State Council of Educational Research and Training
IIT Indian Institute of Technology
ISRO Indian Space Research Organisation
FIR First Information Report
UNESCO United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation
UNICEF United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration




a. Pick out the words from the list and put them appropriately in the table.

David, Madurai, parrot, happiness, book, thought, green, tiger, Trichy, computer,Narayanan, fan, sister, Kalam, woman, pencil, Bharthi, problem, brother, Mumbai, swan, elephant, Vijay, solution, success, school, conven
Person Place Animals Things Ideas/feelings
David Trichy parrot book happiness
Narayanan Madurai tiger computer thought
Kalam Mumbai swan fan green
Vijay school elephant pencil problem
Bharthi convent




b. Write the common noun for the following proper nouns.

No  Proper Noun Common Noun
1 Priya Girl
2 Saran Boy
3 Tiger Animal
4 India Country
5 Peacock Bird
6 Coimbatore Place
7 Lion Animal
8 Dove Bird
9 Kabilan Boy
10 Saleema Girl

c. Read the following paragraph and pick out the different types of nouns and put them in the table.

Hobby is an activity we enjoy doing in our free time. It keeps us busy in our leisure time. People choose their hobby on the basis of their interests and personality. Do you know what Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s hobby was? Note : Abstract nouns can be called common nouns.

Proper Noun Common Noun Collective Noun Abstract Noun
Dr. APJ. Abdul Kalam Hobby



People Hobby







d. Fill in the blanks.

flock swarm bunch herd

1. a ___________________ of cows.

Ans ; herd

2. a ___________________ of birds.

Ans ; flock

3. a ______________ of ants.

Ans ; swarm

4. a __________________ of grapes

Ans ; bunch


a. Complete with the subject personal pronoun.

1. My name is Preethi. (Preethi) ______ am a student and this is my family.

Ans ; I

2. My mom’s name is Princy. (Princy) ____________ is a house wife.

Ans ; She

3. Albert is my dad. (My dad) ____________ is a business man.

Ans ; He

4. Benjamin is my brother. (Benjamin) ___________ is a dancer.

Ans ; He

5. (Preethi and Benjamin) _____________ are twins.

Ans ; They

b. Change the underlined words with correct pronoun. 

they he him it she

1. I saw Mr. Balu this morning and gave Mr. Balu him my homework.

Ans ; him

2. Muthu likes computer games but he doesn’t play computer games them very often.

Ans ; them1

3. My aunt lives in Trichy but, my aunt she often comes to visit my family.

Ans ; she

4. Neil Armstrong was born is 1930. Neil Armstrong He landed on the moon in 1969.

Ans ; he

c. Change the possessive adjective into possessive pronoun.

1. This is my pen.

Ans ; This pen is mine.

2. She missed her purse.

Ans ; Missed purse is hers.

3. Her speech is nice.

Ans ; Nice speech is hers.

4. My book is new

Ans ;  New book is mine.

5. My bike is costly.

Ans ;  Costly bike is mine.


List out the transitive and intransitive verbs in following words.

( come, buy, teach, learn, arrive, sing, run, draw, jump, write )

Transitive verbs Intransitive verbs
buy, teach, learn, sing, draw, write come, arrive, run, jump



Language check point

Incorrect Correct Usage
I cannot cope up with this pressure.  I cannot cope with this pressure. The meaning of cope is to manage. Cope is followed by the preposition ‘with’, and never followed by ‘up’.
He has grey hairs.  He has grey hair. All the hair on one’s head is considered uncountable and so, ‘hairs’ is almost always incorrect.
What is the time in your watch?  What is the time by your watch? In your watch is incorrect. Use by to ask time.


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