Wednesday, June 15, 2022

8th Term 1 Homeless Man and his Friends : A true story

 Term 1 Homeless Man and his Friends : A true story Solution



Boomerang come back to the person threw it
Medication form of medicine that used to treat
Incredible unbelievable

A. Comprehension Questions

1. What is the name of the hero of this story?

Cesar is the hero of this story.

2. Where did this story happen?

This story happened in Rio Do Sul in South Brazil.

3. What is the name of the nurse?

The name of the nurse is Mamprim.

4. When was he admitted in the hospital?

Cesar was admitted in the hospital on December 9, 2018 at 3.00 am.

5. Where is the hospital?

The hospital is in Rio Do Sul, South Brazil.

6. Who accompanied him to the hospital?

A gang of dogs accompanied him to the hospital.

7. Where did the nurse post this story?

The nurse posted this story in Facebook.

8. What did Cesar do when he was offered food by the nurses?

He ate little and gave remaining food to the stray dogs.

9. How many dogs accompanied him when left the hospital?

Four dogs accompanied him.

10. How many people followed Mamprim’s post?

1,36,000 people followed Mamprim’s post

C. Can you guess the meaning of following words after understanding the story?

homeless a person without residence வீடற்ற
boomerang reverse action எதிர்விளைவு
canine dog நாய்
stray street dogs தெரு நாய்
health facility hospital facility மருத்துவ வசதி
colleague fellow worker or co-worker உடன் பணிபுரிபவர்
accompany follow உடனிருத்தல்
companions friends சகாக்கள்
trailing dragging பின் தெடரந்து
wagging waving tail வாலை ஆட்டி
reciprocal mutual பரஸ்பர
possession asset சொத்து
mistreatment abuse தவறான பயன்பாடு




Number the alphabet according to their position to decode the following.

A B C D E F G H I  M
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

1. In a certain code language, if BUG = 30 and ALMS = 45 then CADET =?

  1. 70
  2. 24
  3. 33
  4. 37

Ans ; 33

2. In a certain code language, if INFER = 25 and JERSEY = 28, then CHOICE =?

  1. 43
  2. 34
  3. 89
  4. 52

Ans ; 34

3. In a certain code language, EGG is 577 and ICE is 935 then what is 8945?

  1. HIDE
  2. FEAR
  3. DEED
  4. HIGH

Ans ; HIDE

4. In a certain code language, YSMIR is TNHDM and VPJHN is QKECI
then GKTZO is _______?

  1. TEFMD
  2. BFOUJ
  3. IPBVR
  4. ZOAFQ


Connecting to self

Tick the boxes that you have done and check yourself whether you are a good friend.

If you tick two or less pink / two or more blue you should improve yourself as a better friend.

Ans :-

  • I have given my friend the money that I saved to buy a note, book.etc.
  • I have given my friend my pen and other things when he needed them.
  • I have helped my friend to finish his home work
  • I have helped my friend to study the lesson and get good marks in exams.

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