Sunday, May 15, 2022



1. A hard nut to crack – a difficult problem to deal with.
Example: This problem is a hard nut to crack.

2. In the soup – to be in a difficult situation.
Example: When Harry lost his job, he was really in the soup.

3. Bread and butter – basic things needed to survive.
Example: Teaching is my bread and butter.

4. To bring home the bacon – to earn a salary.
Example: I’m looking for a job and so I need to do something to bring home the bacon.

5. have bigger fish to fry – have more important thing to do.
Example: I have bigger fish to fry than this silly matters.

Sport Idioms.

1. Get the ball rolling – Do something to begin a process.
Example: As we are going to get the ball rolling now, please be seated.

2. Ball park figure – A rough estimate.
Example: Do you have a ball park figure for the cost of the renovations?

3. Heavy Hitter – a powerful, influential person.
Example: Tendulkar is a heavy hitter.

Number Idioms.

1. A million and one – very many.
Example: There are no answers for a million and one questions asked by these people.

2. Be in seventh heaven – Extremely happy.
Example: she was in seventh heaven, where she watched her favourite band play live.

3. Six feet under – Dead and buried.
Example: You can’t get my property, until I am six feet under.

Colours Idioms.

1. Beet red – dark red.
Example: My sister’s face turned beet red when I caught her singing in front of a mirror.

2. Black and Blue – bruised and beaten.
Example: We found the poor guy black and blue, near the train tracks.

3. Golden opportunity – The perfect chance.
Example : The model’s conference was a golden opportunity for me to sell my beauty products.

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0th English Special One Word Test - Nagapattinam District