Monday, May 23, 2022

confused words

 Commonly confused words

English has a lot of commonly confused words. They either look alike or look and sound alike, but have completely different meanings and usage. Here are some examples from the text.

brought (v) - past participle of bring. E.g. Anitha had brought a book from the library.

bought (v) - past participle of buy. E.g. Lalitha had bought a new dress last week.

affect (v) - to have an effect on. E.g. The pet’s death affected his master.

effect (n) - anything brought about by a cause or agent; result. E.g. Both El Nino and La Nina are opposite effects of the same phenomenon.

pocket(n)-a small bag sewn into or on clothing to keep carry small things

packet (n)-a paper or cardboard container, typically one in which goods are sold

fond(adj.)-having an affection or liking for

found(v)-having been discovered by chance or unexpectedly


lost: unable to find

last: final


passed: to move one place to another

paused: to take temporary rest


Pitcher: vessel

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