Book back answers
A. Identify and name the character/speaker
1. She was given test after test in geography ______________ .
Ans : Margie
2. He was a round little man with a red face and a whole box of tools with dials and wires ______________ .
Ans : County Inspector
3. She had been hoping they would take the teacher away altogether ______________ .
Ans : Margie
4. They learned the same things, so they could help one another with the home work and talk about it ______________ .
Ans : Student of the old school
5. The teachers didn’t live in the house. They had a special building and all the kids went there ______________ .
Ans : tommy
B. Fill in the blanks with the clues given below to complete the paragraph.
Tommy and Margie found something about the (i) schools of the past. Tommy found a (ii) real book which has been printed on paper. The book was old and the pages were (iii) yellow and crinkly At present, the (iv) words were moving on a television screen. The television had over (v) millions of books. He had found the old book in the (vi) attic
of his house. While reading Tommy found that it was about the old
schools. Margie hated school because she was having problems with
learning (vii) geography.
The mechanical teacher was black and large with a screen. Margie hated
the slot where she had to insert her homework or (viii) test papers. Margie did not understand how a (ix) person could be a teacher and how the students were taught the (x) same thing.Then it was (xi) time school for Margie and Tommy. Margie went to the schoolroom in her (xii) house, where the mechanical teacher stood. She was thinking about the old school and how much fun the children had, (xiii) learning and spending time together.
Gifted student's paragraph
The short story, ‘The Fun They Had’ written by Isaac Asimov deals with a boy and a girl. In 2157,
Tommy finds a real book from the attic of Margie. It is a cranky, old printed paper book. The book is
about centuries old schools. Those days they had real teachers. Students and teachers met in a place
for education. It is called as schools. But in 2157 they have mechanical teachers and schools are at
home. Margie hates her school and Geography teacher. Her Geography teacher is too fast so she fails
often. The story about the old school impresses her. So she wants to read it. It is her school time so she
goes to her school room with the thought of the book.
Slow learners Paragraph:
Story: The Fun They Had
Author: Issac Asimov
Moral : Old is Gold
* It is written by Issac Asimov.
* Tommy founds a real book.
* It was yellow and crinkly.
* TV has millions of books.
* Margie was 11 years old.
* She hated the school.
* The mechanical teacher was round little man.
* She thought about the old shcool and their fun.
C. Complete the following statements based on your reading
1. The old book was found by ______________________
Ans : tommy
2. Margie was surprised to see the old book because ___________________________
Ans : the words stood still instead of moving.
3. The mechanical teacher was giving Margie________________________________
Ans : test after test in geography.
4. Margie had to study always at the same time every day, because her mother said little girls ________________________
Ans : learned better if they learned at regular hours.
5. The geography sector in mechanical teacher was __________________________
Ans : geared a little too quickly
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