Wednesday, June 9, 2021

11th English Unit 1 (3 Marks)


(1) Answer the following questions in one or two sentences based on your understanding of the story:

Page number : 5

a. Describe the grandfather as seen in the portrait.
The author’s grandfather looked as if he were hundred years old with lots of grandchildren. He had loose fitting garments. He looked too old to have had a wife and children.

b. Why was the author left with his grandmother in the village?
The author was left with his grandmother in the village because his parents went to live in the city.
c.Where did the author study in his childhood?
The author studied in the veranda of a village temple. He learnt letters of the alphabet from the priest.
(d) Why did the grandmother accompany the author to school?
Grandma was a pious lady. The school was attached to the temple. So, the grandmother accompanied the author to his school. 
 (e) What made the dogs follow the grandmother after school hours?
Grandmother brought a bundle of stale chapattis with her to the temple. The village dogs followed her. 

(f) Why didn’t the grandmother feel sentimental when the author went abroad for higher education? 
The grandmother was old but she believed that she would live to see the author after his completion of studies abroad. So she was not sentimental.
(g) What was the happiest time of the day for grandmother?
Half an hour in the afternoon, grandma devoted her time for feeding sparrows. That was the happiest time of the day for grandmother. 

2. Answer the following questions in three or four sentences each. 
a. Describe the author’s grandmother.
The author’s grandmother was an old woman with wrinkled skin. She had been like that for twenty years. Once she had been young and pretty
b. What was the daily routine of the grandmother at home?
 Grandma started the mornings with a sing-song prayer. She woke up the author bathed and dressed him up and wanted him to learn the prayers by heart.  In the evening, she would throw the stale chapattis to village dogs as they returned home. 

(c)  How is school education in the village different from that in the city?
The village school was attached to a temple. The priest acted as the teacher and taught the children alphabet and morning prayer. In the city, children are taught English, Western Science and music. There is no teaching about God and the scriptures.
(d) The grandmother appreciated the value of education. Give instances in support of your answer. 
According to the grandmother children should be taught prayer and scriptures. She was very upset to know that in city school there was no teaching about God. She did not think that the subjects taught in the school would teach any value to the children.
(e) The grandmother was strong-minded. Justify.
When the author decided to go abroad for further studies, he thought that the grandmother would be upset. But she was not sentimental. When she went to the railway station with the author, she did not show any emotion. She only prayed for the author.
(f) How did the grandmother spend the last few hours of her life?
When the grandmother realised that her end had come, she stopped her prayer. She gathered some women. She got an old drum and sang the home-coming of warriors. The next morning she was taken ill. The doctor said that it was not serious. But she said that her end was near. She stopped talking to her people. She lay peacefully in bed praying and saying her beads. In a short time she died.

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