Unit - 3 Exam அனைத்து கேள்விகளுக்கும் விடை எழுதி வாட்சப் குரூப்பில் அனுப்பவும்.
PART III / Section - 1
Explain any two of the following with reference to the
context. (2×3=6)
31. “I cannot rest from travel: I will drink Life to the less”
32.“He works his work, I mine”.
33.To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield”.
Section - 2
Answer any two of the following questions in about 30 words
each. (2×3=6)
34.When did the children shy away from the chair?
35. What happened to the visitor when he sat on the stool?
36. What was put on the family agenda?
Section - 3
Answer any three of the following questions in about 30
words each. (3×3=9)
37. Study the pie diagram and answer the questions given
Navin’s personal expenses Monthly Income – Rs. 8,000

a. What percentage of Naveen’s income is spent on boarding
and lodging?
a) 65% b) 40% c) 20% d) 30%
b. What is his cheapest hobby?
a) entertainment b) travelling
c) sports d) reading
c. His boarding and lodging expenses are Rs.3200. What does
it mean?
a) He eats too much b) Rent and food cost high
c) He needs comforts d) He doesn’t have a home
38. Write a dialogue between a mother and her daughter discussing
the daughter’s first day in her new school. (Minimum of three
39. Describe the process of binding a book.
40. Complete the proverbs using the words given below.
(a) _________ makes waste. (Haste, Gain, Knowledge)
(b) _________ is power. (Gain, Haste, Knowledge)
(c) No pain, no _________. (gain, haste, knowledge)
Answer the following questions. (4×5=20)
44. Write a summary or make notes of the following passage.
The Cacti, a native in American deserts, adapts to the
dry surroundings by having unique body structures. The plant
has swollen stems to help store water that carries it through
months. By having sharp pines instead of leaves, water loss
through respiration is minimized.
Besides, these pointed pines
also help the plant ward off grazing animals, thus enhancing its
survival period.
Besides plants, there are also animals with distinct
surviving tactics in deserts too. For instance, Skinks ( desert
lizards ) metabolize stored fats in their bulbous tails, producing
water to supplement their needs, just like what camels do with
the stored food in their humps during long journeys through
deserts. Antelopes like the addax, have very low water needs and
hence are able to tolerate the conditions in deserts, extracting
moisture from the food they eat.
Finally, there are the sand grouses ( desert birds ) which
do not have special features to overcome the drought-like nature
in deserts. Hence, to survive in these hot, dry deserts, they need
to spend a large part of their time flying in search of waterholes.
45. Read the following advertisement and prepare a
resume/bio-data/CV considering yourself fulfilling the
conditions specified.
Write XXXX for your name and YYYY for your address]
Situations Vacant
Post Graduate Teacher (English) Specialized in extra –
curricular activities (NSS, NCC, etc), Minimum : 3 Years of
Experience. Salary Negotiable.
Apply to :
Post Box No : 1307, C/o. The Hindu, Chennai - 02.
Write a paragraph on “A village festival” or “ Punctuality”
46. i) Read the following sentences, spot the errors and
correct them :
(a) Neither of the boys are guilty.
(b) Balaji is junior than me.
(c) He is a honourable man.
(d) Slow and steady win the race.
(e) The news are very good.
ii) Fill in the blanks appropriately.
(a) Vandana’s _________ daughter _________ to the new
situation well. (adopted / adapted)
(b) Daniel ________ play the piano. (Fill in with a modal verb)
(c) He ________ read many books during his school days. (Fill
in with a semi-modal)
(d) _______you have an entry pass, you can get in. (Use a
suitable link word)
47. Identify each of the following sentences with the fields
given below.
(a) Shakespeare’s plays are read by many people.
(b) The yield of wheat has increased.
(c) Fast food is a growing health hazard.
(d) My brother is planning to go to the US.
(e) Dhoni was declared the Man of the Series.
(Sports, Nutrition and Dietetics, Travel, Literature, Agriculture)
Read the following poem and answer questions that
Woodman, that tree!
Touch not a single bough
In youth, it sheltered me,
And I’ll protect it now.
‘T was my forefather’s hand
That placed it near his cot;
There, woodman, let it stand,
Thy axe shall harm it not!
When but an idle boy
I sought its grateful shade;
In all their gushing joy
Here, too, my sisters played.
My mother kissed me here,
My father pressed my hand
Forgive this foolish tear,
But let that oak stand!
My heartstrings round thee cling
Close as thy bark, old friend!
Here shall the wild birds sing,
And still, thy branches bend.
Old tree! The storm still brave!
And woodman leave the spot;
While I have a hand to save,
Thy axe shall harm it not
(a) Why does the poet want the woodman to spare the tree?
(b) Who planted the tree?
(c) How will the poet guard the tree?
(d) Where did the poet spend a lot of his time?
(e) What is the meaning of ‘bough’?
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