Friday, May 14, 2021

Ulysses - ERC

 5. Explain with reference to the context the following lines. பாடலில் Bold செய்துள்ள வார்த்தைகளை Key word ஆக வைத்துக் கொள்ளவும். 

A) I cannot rest from travel:
 I will drink Life to the lee                                                     KEY WORD IS :travel 
Reference: These lines are from the poem ‘Ulysses” written by Alfred Tennyson.
Context and Explanation:
                                Ulysses was the king of Ithaca. He had returned to his kingdom after the Trojan War which lasted for twenty years. He has wandered different strange places. Finally, he returned to his country with a lot of experiences. Still speaking to himself, he proclaims that he cannot rest from travel. He felt compelled to live to the fullest. He has enjoyed all his experiences as a sailor.

B)I am become a name;
 For always roaming with a hungry heart
                                    KEY WORD IS: hungry heart
Reference: These lines are from the poem ‘Ulysses” written by Alfred Tennyson.
Context and Explanation:
                        In the poem ‘Ulysses’, he describes his intention to travel to unknown places to gain knowledge and experience. His ship may drift from one place to another because of strong wind. He has earned a name for himself a constant traveller. He always roams around with a hungry heart. Hungry heart stands for his strong desire to travel to unknown places.  
c) How dull it is to pause, to make an end,  
To rust unburnished, not to shine in use! 
                             Key word: dull, shine
Reference: These lines are from the poem ‘Ulysses” written by Alfred Tennyson.
Context and Explanation:
                                        He considers himself a symbol for everyone who wanders the earth. He declares that it is boring to stay in one place.  Ulysses is happy that his son would do his work blamelessly. He would follow his search for travel and knowledge. His companions have faced both sunshine and thunder with a smile.

d)To follow knowledge like a sinking star
Beyond the utmost bound of human thought
Reference: These lines are from the poem ‘Ulysses” written by Alfred Tennyson.
Context and Explanation:
                                He considers himself a symbol for everyone who wanders the earth to gain knowledge and experience. His quest for knowledge goes beyond ordinary people. He wants to follow knowledge like a sinking star. He wants to gain knowledge which may be beyond the human thoughts. 

e) He works his work, I mine.
Reference: These lines are from the poem ‘Ulysses” written by Alfred Tennyson.
Context and Explanation:
                                         He declares that it is boring to stay in one place. His son Telemachus is good enough for the task of governing the savage people of his land and making them civilized. He possesses patience and will power. Ulysses is happy that his son would do his work blamelessly. He would follow his search for travel and knowledge. 
f) and I are old
Old age hath yet his honour and his toil 
Reference: These lines are from the poem ‘Ulysses” written by Alfred Tennyson.
Context and Explanation:
                                      He would follow his search for travel and knowledge. Ulysses asks his companions to gather at the port, where the ship is ready to sail. They have now grown old and become weak physically. But the spirit in them is young and energetic. Hence, he insists us to seek adventure, knowledge and drive to lead meaningful lives.
g) The long day wanes: the slow moon climbs: the deep
 Moans round with many voices.
Reference: These lines are from the poem ‘Ulysses” written by Alfred Tennyson.
Context and Explanation:
Ulysses urges his companions to join him and sail beyond the sunset and seek a newer world, regardless of consequences. They have now grown old and become weak physically. But the spirit in them is young and energetic. The sea is waiting for them to take another venture.
h) It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles, 
And see the great Achilles, whom we knew.
Reference: These lines are from the poem ‘Ulysses” written by Alfred Tennyson.
Context and Explanation:
Ulysses urges his companions to join him and sail beyond the sunset and seek a newer world, regardless of consequences. They have now grown old and become weak physically,
they still have “heroic hearts”. Happy Isles means Greek Paradise. Achilles was the greatest Greek warrior.
i) We are not now that strength which in old days 
Moved earth and heaven
Reference: These lines are from the poem ‘Ulysses” written by Alfred Tennyson.
Context and Explanation:
                             Ulysses urges his companions to join him and sail beyond the sunset and seek a newer world, regardless of consequences. These brave hearts had once moved heaven and earth. They have now grown old and become weak physically. But the spirit in them is young and energetic. Hence, he insists us to seek adventure, knowledge and drive to lead meaningful lives.
j) To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
Reference: These lines are from the poem ‘Ulysses” written by Alfred Tennyson.
Context and Explanation:
                             Ulysses urges his companions to join him and sail beyond the sunset and seek a newer world, regardless of consequences.They have now grown old and become weak physically. But the spirit in them is young and energetic.Their will-power will be with them to work hard to find something new.

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