Thursday, May 27, 2021

Nagai English Exam - Unit 1

மாணவர்கள் தங்களது விடைத் தாள்களில் பின்வரும் விவரங்களை அனைத்துப் பக்கங்களிலும் எழுதவும். 

பதிவு எண்:
வகுப்பு & பிரிவு:

XII English Unit Test 1                                                                                                     Marks : 50 Marks

 Time : 1.30 hrs

I. A . Choose the correct synonyms:                                                          10*1 =10 marks

1. My interest was prevoked by their demeanour.

a. attitude b. absence c.indistinct d. formless

2. They didn’t have sophisticated heart surgery

a. ancient b. old c. advanced d. defunct

 B. Choose the correct Antonyms:

 3. There was a finale of scattered plates

a. gained b. spread c. covered d. gathered

 4. He was glaring at his brother in vexation

a. delight b. agitation c. bother d. Annoyance

 5. Add a suitable suffix to the word “Collect-----"

a. tive b.ment c. able d.ion

 6. Many people were----------- by the disease without symptom. (effected, affected)

 (Fill it by choosing the correct word)

 7. For the last ten days I------------ (isolate) myself.

 (Put the verb in correct tense form)

8. Every one -------------- wear face-mask to avoid the danger. (Use modal verb)

9. We --------------- accept the instructions announced by the Government. (Use semi[1]modal verb)

10. He hardly accepts his mistakes -------------?

a. does he? b. doesn’t he? c. will he? d. won’t he? (Choose the correct question tag)

II C. Read the Poetic lines and answer the questions given.         2*2=4 marks

11. “ A gray baboon sits statue- like alone

 watching the sunrise”.

a. Where is the baboon sitting?

b. Mention the figure of speech used here.

12. “Then a soldier

full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard

jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel

seeking the bubble reputation

even the canon’s mouth”.

a. Which stage is mentioned here?

b. Explain “ bubble reputation” .


 D. Rewrite as directed :                                                                                               2*2=4 marks

 13. Report the dialogue:

 Arun: Dad, why the disease is so severe in India?

 Father: I remember the saying “Indians are indiscipline”

14. He has completed his works neatly and she appreciates him for that. (Change of voice)

 III E. Answer any two questions                                                                               2*3=6 marks

 15. How was the unattended trolley put to use?

 16. What were the various jobs undertaken by the little boys?

 17. Who encouraged the little boys and how?

 18. How did the narrator help the boys on Sunday?

 F. Explain any one with reference to context                                                     1*3=3 marks

 19. “ The giant wears the scarf and the flowers are hung

 In crimson clusters all the boughs among”.

 20. “ Is second childishness and mere oblivion;

 Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything”.


 21. Write any three precautions to be followed to avoid Covid-19. 1*3=3 marks


 IV. H. Answer any one in 100 -150 words.                                                                           1*5=5 marks

 22. Justify the title of the story “ Two gentlemen of Verona”.


 23. “ These two children had given me a profound lesson”. - Elucidate

 I. Answer any one paragraph in 100-150 words                                                          1*5=5 marks

 24. Describe the reminiscence of the poet, when she sees the Casuarina Tree”.


 25. Describe the various stages of man’s life picturised in the poem

 “ All the world’s a stage”.


 26. Construct a dialogue between two friends regarding the inconvenience of attending and

 understanding online class.                                                                                         1*5=5 marks


 27. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper about the importance of NEET and the other

 entrance exams.                                                                                                              1*5=5 marks



10th English Special One Word Test - Nagapattinam District

0th English Special One Word Test - Nagapattinam District