Saturday, July 10, 2021

Two Gentlemen of Verona- Book back answers

 Book back answers

1.  the following s in one or two sentences each based on your understanding of the story.

a) Who did the narrator meet at the outskirts of Verona?

The Narrator met Nicola and Jacopo at the outskirts of Verona

b) Why did the driver not approve of the narrator buying fruits from the boys?

The driver did not approve of the narrator buying fruits from the boys because of their shabby appearance.

c) The boys did not spend much on clothes and food. Why?

The boys had to save every penny towards the weekly medical bill of their sister Lucia. So, they did not spend much on clothes and food.

d) Were the boys saving money to go the States? How do you know?

  1. The boys had the commitment to saving the life of their sister.
  2. So they were not saving money to go to the states.

e) Why did the author avoid going to Lucia’s room?

  1. The author did not like to disturb the happy family party.
  2. So he avoided going to Lucia’s room.

f) What was Lucia suffering from?

Lucia was suffering from tuberculosis of the spine.

g) What made the boys join the resistance movement against the Germans?

  1. The Germans killed the boy’s father and made them homeless.
  2. This made the boys join the resistance movement.

h. What made the boys work so hard? (IQ)
They did not want charity from the hospital. The determination to save the life of their sister made the boys work hard.

i. Why didn’t the boys disclose their problem to the author?

  1. The boys didn’t like to gain sympathy.
  2. So they did not disclose their problem to the author.

2.  the following s in three or four sentences each

 a.Describe the appearance of Nicola and Jacopo.
Nicola and Jacopo were two brothers. They wore shabby clothes. They had their brown skins, tangled hair and dark earnest eyes. They were childlike.

 b.What were the various jobs undertaken by the little boys? (IQ)
They shined shoes, sold fruits, hawked newspapers, conducted tourists round the town, and ran errands.

 c.How did the narrator help the boys on Sunday? (IQ)
The narrator helped the boys on Sunday by taking them to Poleta in his car driving himself.

d.Who took the author to the cubicle? (IQ)
The nurse who was taking care of the boy’s sister Lucia took the author to the cubicle.

 e. Describe the girl with whom the boys were talking to in the cubicle.

  1. The girl seemed to be about twenty.
  2. She wore a pretty lace jacket.
  3. Her eyes were soft and tender.

 f. Recount the untold sufferings undergone by the siblings after they were rendered homeless.
After the siblings were rendered homeless, they lived among rubble for months. They had exposure to the cold winter. Their sister was suffering from tuberculosis of spine.

 g.The narrator did not utter a word and preferred to keep the secret to himself. Why? Substantiate the statement with reference to the story.

1. The narrator did not utter a word and preferred to keep the secret to himself because the boys did not disclose about their sister to the author.

2. They considered him a stranger.

p   paragraph of 100–150 words each.

Gifted Students Paragraph

Topic : Two Gentlemen of Verona

Author : A. J. Cronin

Theme : New Hope for Humanity

“Two Gentlemen of Verona” is a short story written by A.J. Cronin. It shows two young boys’ greatness. Nicola and Jacopo were brothers. Nicola was 13 years old. Jacopo was 12 years old. They wore shabby dress. They were selling wild strawberries. They shined shoes, sold newspapers and fruits, and conducted local tourism. They were helpful to the narrator. The young brothers’ father had been killed in a war. A bomb destroyed their home. So, they lived in debris for months. They were starving. Their sister was suffering from Tuberculosis. So, the young brothers earned money by doing odd jobs to pay the medical fee. They were happy to find their sister’s recovery from illness. Finally, the author came to know that the young boys were self-reliant, affectionate, hard-working and more matured. He was surprised by the two boys’ greatness. So, he called the boys ‘Gentlemen’.

Slow learners paragraph

Topic : Two Gentlemen of Verona

Author : A. J. Cronin

Theme : New Hope for Humanity

Nicola and Jacopo were two brothers.

Nicola was13 years old.

Jacopo was 12 years old.

They wore shabby dress.

They were hard-working and kind.

They were helpful to the narrator.

Before the war, they led a happy life.

After the war, they led a sad life

A bomb ruined their happy life.

Their father was killed and sister was affected by spine TB. She was hospitalized.

They did various jobs to pay their sister’s medical fee.

They sacrificed their childhood joy.

Their sacrifice attracted the author.

  Hence, the author called them ‘Gentlemen’.


b) Homophones and Confusables: (Text Book Page No. 6, 72, 148)

Homophones are two or more words with the same sound but with different spellings and meanings. You have already learned that homophones are words that sound alike but are different in spelling and


E.g. feet – feat / face – phase / sort – sought / hair – heir/



What are confusables?

Confusables /confusables are words that are commonly confused with one another in meaning or usage

because of slight similarities in spelling, pronunciation, or meaning.

e.g. moment – movement / except – expect / human – humane / discover – invent.

(i) Given below is a list of common confusables. Distinguish the meaning of each pair of words by framing your own sentences: (Text Book Page No. 6)


a) emigrate – leave one’s country/move abroad (my friend wants to emigrate from Asia)

immigrate – come to live permanently in a foreign country (He wants to immigrate to India)


b) beside – near (He stands beside me)

besides – in addition to (Besides having a car, he also has a bike)


c) judicial – legal (The court ordered judicial custody of the convict)

judicious – wise (The lawyer argued in a judicious manner)


d) eligible – qualified (He ¡s an eligible hand)

illegible – not clear (Mostly doctor’s prescriptions are illegible)


e) conscience – moral sense (His conscience promoted him to know his mistakes)

conscious – awareness (He has consciously abused his teacher)


f) industrial – commercial (The industrial chemicals are polluting the river)

industrious – hard-working (Sathish is an industrious student)


g) eminent – famous (Ramesh is an eminent scientist)

imminent – about to happen (There is an imminent danger of corona virus)


h) illicit – illegal (Ten people were arrested for brewing illicit liquor)

elicit – bring out (The teacher elicited s from the student)


i) prescribed – advised (The doctor prescribed powerful medicines to me)

proscribed – remove (The police proscribed the striking students)


j) affect – change (The place is affected by the flood)

effect – the result of a change (The effect of the flood in very heavy)


k) aural – related to hearing

oral – related to speaking


l) born – related to birth (Raji was born on 2nd January 2020)

borne – carry (The people near the border borne the brunt of the attack.)






























c) Give the meanings of the following phrasal verbs and frame sentences using them: (Text Book Page No. 7)

 1. cut off

  • to remove something by cutting
  • The branch was cut off from the tree

 2. come upon

  • meet someone by chance
  • I came upon my Maths teacher in Chennai

 3. put out - stop something burning

  • The firefighters put out the fire

 4. draw up : stop

  • A taxi drew up outside the hotel

 5. pass out- become unconscious/faint 

The politician passed out when the income tax officials quizzed him.

 6. take off        -    Start flying/remove clothing 

The flight took off at the right time.

 7. turn away    -    refuse permission

  • The reporters who came to interview the Prime Minister were turned away.

 8. stand by    -     help someone who ¡s in difficult to be ready.

  • My friend stood by me all the time.

 9. bank on    -     depend on

  • The whole team is banking on him to win the match.

d) Read the list of words formed by adding suffixes: (Text Book Page No. 7)

frequently, satisfaction, willingness, inevitable, preparation, government, periodic, management,

population, department, announcement, comfortable, resemblance, nobility.


Form two derivatives from each of the following words by adding prefixes and suffixes: (Text Book Page No. 7)















management, manageable






differentiate / difference



friendship, friendly





Task -1
On the occasion of World Environment Day, you have been asked to deliver a speech during the morning assembly on the importance of tree planting. Write the speech in about 100 – 150 words:

  • 1.      Introduction
  • 2.      Suggested value points:
    Pollution control – Medicine – Necessary for wildlife – Cause rainfall
  • 3.      Conclusion

Respected Headmaster, the chief guest

Good evening. I am immensely delighted to speak to you on World Environment Day. All of you know that we celebrate Environment Day on 5th June, every year. Let me explain why we celebrate World Environment Day. The relationship between humanity and the environment is a delicate balance. Since the industrial revolution, the world’s population has increased exponentially.

With the population growth, the environment has been profoundly affected Deforestation, pollution and global climatic changes are amongst the adverse effect the explosive population and technological expansion have introduced. The main objective of Environment Day is to gain a greater understanding of the environment.

This enhanced awareness, I believe, will help the country reduce its carbon footprint, increase the use of solar power, reduce and recycle non-biodegradable waste and evolve alternative technologies which would reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

Moreover, tree planting will be done on a mission mode by school children and college students representing NCC and NSS wings. This would spread the forest cover and give shelter to the wildlife and also ensure plentiful rainfall sustaining life on this lovely planet. The student community shall disseminate the urgent need to conserve water and other natural resources appeal to the younger generation, I mean my friends to be socially responsive and do their part to preserve the environment.

Task 2

Prepare a speech on “The importance of a reading habit” in about 100–150 words using the hints given below together with your own ideas.

  • 1.      Introduction
  • 2.      Suggested value points
    Knowledge enrichment — Skill development — Meaningful usage of time — Overall development
  • 3.      Conclusion

The most distinguished chief guest, revered Headmaster, dignitaries on the Dias and off the dais, my beloved teachers and friends. This morning I wish to share my views on a man-making habit called ‘Reading’.

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends. They are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors and the most patient of teachers. Some schools do focus on developing a flair for reading by keeping a library period. Children are allowed to borrow books and also share their observations with their peers after the library hour is over. Such sharing introduces children to the wonderful world of books.

The art of reading is in great part that of acquiring a better understanding of life from one’s encounter with it in a book. Through reading, one exposes oneself to new things, new ways to solve a problem. Reading is a very useful hobby. Wiseman has lauded the importance of reading and the hobby of reading. Kofi Annan said, “Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope”.

William James said, “So it is with children who learn to read fluently and well. They begin to take flight into whole new worlds as effortlessly as young birds take to the sky”. Dear friends let us read books and conquer the world.

Read the passage given below and make notes.

To match the best cities across the world, the Government of India initiated ‘smart cities’ to drive economic growth and improve the quality of life of people. The agenda under smart city promises to resolve urban sustainability problems. Urban forests provide a range of important ecosystem services that are critical for the sustainability of cities. Urban forestry, which is defined more as ‘Management of Trees’ contributes to the physiological, sociological, and economic well-being of the society.

Mangroves, lakes, grasslands, and forests in and around our cities, act as sponges that absorb the air and noise pollution and they present themselves as our cultural and recreational hotspots. However, these spots are rapidly being reclaimed and replaced in the name of development. The presence of urban green has shown to increase the economic value of the place.

Urban forests contribute to reducing the cost of building stormwater drain systems for municipalities and neutralizing the urban heat island effect. Plants not only provide shade but also help in regulating the micro-climate. They help regulate energy budgets, improve air quality, and curtail noise pollution. Trees, herbs, shrubs, and grasses arrest sedimentation and prevent other pollutants from entering our water systems, This will give a chance for our urban lakes and rivers to recover and help improve aquatic ecosystems.

Biodiversity also gets a boost through the urban forests and helps create corridors connecting the forest areas, High biodiversity areas can also help to build resilient ecosystems. The availability of forests within our urban areas gives an opportunity for children to connect to the natural environment and learn about native species.

Smart city:
1. Initiation by Indian Government

  • Economic growth
  • Urban sustainability.

2. Urban forestry

  • management of trees
  • Act as sponges to absorb pollution.

3. Benefits of urban forestry

  • Regulated micro-climate
  • Arrests sedimentation and pollutants.     
இதன் தொடர்ச்சி இங்கு உள்ளது

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10th English Book back question for revision

10th English Book back question for revision